KCF Notes 2011

Please note, these are my jottings during the sermons/messages given by the preachers, teachers and speakers.
They contain actual phrases spoken, summarised comments and other relevant thoughts that came to me at the time.

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Available notes = 9/1 - 6/2,
20/2, 27/2, 13/3, 20/3

Last updated 29/1/12
Speaker Index
Alan Milnes9/1 12/6
Alan Seel27/2
Allan Weir20/2
David Seel20/3
Donna Walker23/1
Jan Petrie13/2
Harry Sprange6/2 24/4
Hugh Henderson30/1
Paul Younger16/1 3/4
Richard Hobson13/3
William Butchart10/4
Theme Index
Building the Kingdom6/2 20/2
Reality of God30/1 20/2 20/3
Salvation9/1 13/3

27/3 Donna Walker - Ruth 1:1-17

20/3 David Seel - Josh 14:6-13

Passion for Life. Passion helps you to achieve your goals, it's God given. Gordon Ramsay - his whole being is all about cooking. Do we know what we are all about? Do people see what drives us, do they know we are sold out for God? We need to be who we are. Consider age - Caleb Josh 14:6-12. He says don't write me off. He keeps on going. When we get distracted, get back on track. How real is God to me? Re-evaluate where you are and where you are going. We cannot retire from being a Christian. Fear can hamper us from achieving our goal. Paul longed to make Jesus known & make a difference. When God speaks things become known and situations change. 1 Cor 2:16, we can know what God is going to do.
Paul allowed himself to be in danger. In Acts 14 at Antioch, he was badly beaten up, but he returned to the city. Paul was bold. We should present our case boldly, but not aggressively. Debate, but not argumentatively. Paul believed in resurrection to the extent of risking danger. He lived for eternity. 2 Cor 4:17,18 - Paul had complete trust in God and how things would work out. Rom 8:18 - Paul had an eternal, heavenly perspective. 2 Tim 4:8 - Paul was determined to get the prize. Overcome weariness to bring God's Kingdom. Whether some small act of kindness, or greater act of ministry. Isa 40:30,31 - let God renew his strength in you. Wait on God for fresh strength. Seek God for His plan for you. What is God calling me to next?
David shared 2 pictures he saw during worship.

  1. Keys. God is saying He will unlock a situation. He will reveal the treasure. (George had seen a picture of a large treasure chest)
  2. Large Boat. Changing course to reach destination. Get on the right path.

13/3 Richard Hobson - Galatians 1:6-9

What have we done to deserve God's salvation & mercy? God uses these old letters to speak to us. The Gospel is most important thing we can know. It will help us to live. There is only 1 Gospel. These are strong words from Paul. Don't turn away from God Himself. No other gospel can save. Don't let anyone turn you away. Those who turn others away deserve the worst, even like these teachers who were in the church. Signs & wonders, must bear witness to the true gospel. Don't obscure the gospel from others. We need to hold fast to the true gospel. Salvation is ongoing. Be sure that what you are reading in books on internet etc is true. It is not necessary to be circumcised into the gospel.
There are a variety of definitions of the Gospel. Don Carson: God made us, He is love and is proactive in bringing us back through His Son. Away from Him is torment. Rob Bell controversially suggested hell will be empty. There is bad news all around us, that's why the Gospel is good news. Martyr Patrick Hamilton died in St Andrews to preserve the Gospel. This message is worth defending. How do we live? Who do we eat with? Gal 2:11-14 don't avoid eating [sharing fellowship] with those who need the gospel. This gospel must affect how we behave, and how we live must affect the gospel. It becomes the context in which we live. Fellowship is a sign of intimacy & acceptance. How we speak and, who we help is a gospel issue.
Our lives can point others towards or away from truth. We can testify to the gospel, we are the messenger not the message. Jesus is the only way to Father. Be clear in discussing this. Sin is always the real issue. We have done nothing to deserve eternal life. Trouble in life should not affect our joy. This joy can remain central in our lives. We have been forgiven much, live generous lives. How we live flows out of the life of Christ. Eph 2:1-10. Having received grace we have lots of good works to do. Be sure of the gospel message. Deal with condemnation by going to Jesus, knowing we can't earn favour, and just ask for forgiveness. This is a day for salvation for believers. Live that others may be directed to the true gospel.


27/2 Alan Seel - Josh 14:6-13

We are on a journey. Be Determined, not Discouraged. The world we live in is in a time of unrest. In Jesus we have a life worth living. There are lots of germs & viruses going about. Poor health can be a real issue that can cause discouragement. Learn to deal with this. Christchurch events happened suddenly. How do we cope when normal tasks take more effort? Family and friends can do/say things that get to us. Learn to show love and joy. In Gen, Jacob wrestles with God, and is very determined. Moses felt God's call was too much. Joshua was daunted by the task ahead. Caleb, in Josh 14:6-13, was determined. He waited 45 years for his promise.
Our society is too focussed on instant solutions. Ps 73:1-12. Asaph was a priest who lead worship and wrote 12 psalms. He doubts his faith because it seems like the ungodly have it easy. v17 is the realisation, the wider perspective, God's reality. v23 God is faithful. He is the strength of my heart. We can reach out to Him. Don't stay in the place of discouragement. Make the choice to move on. We can overcome. Meet Jesus regularly. Ensure you have time with God in prayer. Meet with friends who will encourage each other.

20/2 Allan Weir - Mk 5:25-34, Lk24:36-40

Come and touch Jesus. This is His invitation. We can connect heaven & earth by touching Him. We can bring heaven to men. Only by touching Him can we see His power released. We will do it. Families are saved; bodies are healed, when we touch Him. Let Him show us things as God sees them. Mk 9:23, nothing will be impossible to those who believe. Receive from Him and give. Many, crowds are crying out to Him, but are not connecting. Touch Him by faith. The consequence of touching Him is that the Kingdom of God is manifest. Something will happen. Spiritual reality is realised.
Faith is not to be stored, it must be used. We have faith. We must use it. Rom 8:15-18, we have confidence when we connect with Him. Eph 1:19 the power towards us who believe. It benefits us. Rom 5:17,18 there is victory. We receive everything for life - abundant life. Don't be defeated or be like the world. Be like Christ. Live in His goodness. Live and reign with Him. The Church is His glory. We are plan A, there is no plan B. The Kingdom dispels darkness and sickness. The Kingdom is manifest through us. God is Holy & Righteous. Righteousness exposes what is wrong and puts it right. Righteousness is the basis of salvation. It is the basis of healing and freedom. Peace and joy also come when we touch Him.
The Kingdom of God is real. Enter into the place where we touch Him and see it happen. When we touch Him, He touches us. Rom 8:4 ff, our life comes into harmony. When He touches us we can expect a spiritual tsunami. We make God so small. The creation is enormous. Faith, Mk 5:34. Use it don't store it. Faith in God, in whom all things are possible. Rev 3:16, don't be indecisive or lukewarm. Give up relying on anything else. 24/7 worship. Touch Him in Church when we praise Him, in prayer, in all situations. Touch Him in communion; sharing together, blessing one another. Practise mercy & kindness to each other. Fellowship with Him. Jn 15:6,7, apart from Him... Col 3:1,2 we are raised with Christ, hidden with Him. We touch Him for each other and for the world. We are made for broadband not dial-up. Stay permanently connected and flow in the fulness.

13/2 Jan Petrie

Sorry, the notes for this message are not yet available.

6/2 Harry Sprange - Nehemiah 2:9 - 3:2, 6:15,16.

Originally, there was nothing in Bible other than the text, maps were added first, then pictures. Time line can help our understanding of events.
587-458BC : Babylonian Exile. There were 4 waves of exile.
Exodus from EgyptReign of King DavidBarbaric Assyrian attacksDaniel among a small number taken hostage Larger number including Ezekiel exiledNebuchadnezzarJerusalem destroyedJews were free to return; Ezra 1-4 [Haggai]Ezra 5-6
18 years later
Ezra 7-9Nehemiah’s restoration.
How do you do a job that is too big? First thing Nehemiah did after the 1100 miles journey was rest for 3 days. Get a clear mind. Inspect the situation and establish what the real issues are. v16 keep this to yourself until God makes it clear how to proceed. v17 the vision is shared, beware of false alliances. The world is not our friend, Ezra 4:2,3. Nehemiah 3, the leadership set the example and started the work. The tasks were divided up & allocated. Everyone was involved, some helped others. The progress was monitored. Do what God's is calling you to do but also help others? Be involved in the wider work of the Church. Ezra is about rebuilding the temple & establishing worship. Nehemiah is the account of rebuilding the city & community. Additionally for us, in Jesus, we also minister to world. The city gates control the entry points. [The walls provide protection.] These can be related to the influences on our lives.

God has a plan for His people. We need to work in all these areas in our lives.


31/1 Hugh Henderson - Isa 5:8-22

Jesus is the Word of God. As we go, the power of His word is released. Kenya, Burundi, Ghana, Haiti, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda. "Doing it is doing it", Gerald Coates.
Reality of God, knowing how real He is. When we come before Him, He brings about a great change in us. Isa 5:8-22. People get themselves into a mess. Church, hear what God says. Tell the people God's message, after you spend face time with Him. Let God clean you & make you fit to take the message. 'Yes, Lord' is the only response. Mt 17:1-10 Jesus' glory is revealed. The disciples are afraid. Peter doesn't quite understand the situation, but it teaches him in preparation for Acts 2. Earthly senses cannot cope with God's presence. Our own strength is insufficient. We must learn to operate in power of Holy Spirit. Acts 26:19 Paul testifies. Repentance requires proof by our actions, that we are living for God. Atheists say we are off our heads. Science doesn't prove or disprove God. Jesus is in us & we are in Him. Stephen was operating in a Holy Spirit ministry which required faith & miracles. Walk with God, let Him change you. Journey with Him, not with the paraphernalia of this world. Beware when you find yourself drifting. Are we grazing ourselves lost? Do want to raptured from responsibility? Leonard Ravenhill. Be challenged by God in your daily situations. Seek God, know Him on the basis that He is real. The Hound of Heaven. Francis Thompson. God follows us to the point where we give in.

23/1 Donna Walker - Eph 2:11-22

Christ's death was for reconciliation between us and God, & also between each of us. Where is our focus? What is always on your mind? What distracts you from everything else. Don't forget what's important. Remember where you came from, especially if you felt unwanted, alienated. That was where we stood with God. Now we belong, we are embraced. Unity is not just for/between Christians. Some [recent media] events leave us wondering 'What good did it do?'. Are we too easily offended? [Offended = taking the bait.] How do we reconcile & make peace? Miroslav Volf encourages us to embrace and not exclude. We must not hate the 'other' - whoever is different from us. Overcome tribal tendency. Can I embrace my oppressor? Which is the greater betrayal - breaking the rules or burning the bridge? These are very real tensions. How do we communicate God's message of love to the other? Eph 2 v14,15 we have peace in Jesus. He broke down all the walls & tore the curtain. Jesus sacrificed once for all men. It may be dangerous & costly to share with the 'other'. Are we willing to try?

16/1 Paul Younger - 1 Cor 15:1-44

The Resurrection of the body. Nearly the end of the Creed, but very important all the same. This is a big claim. Science still disputes this. With God all things are possible.
Promise - Proof - Perfection.
This promise of resurrection was widely accepted in Paul's Day. He was just reminding them. Lots of promises are made all around us, some are not kept. We learn to evaluate promises by the performance of the promise maker. God is trust worthy; nothing is beyond His control. To the doubters, Paul offers the proof of Jesus - He appeared to over 500 witnesses. Christ has been raised and so will we. Today militant atheists dismiss the Bible. It would have suited the Synagogue & the established Church to prove Jesus was dead, but they couldn't. Perfection is still far from us at present. Our current body has weaknesses. What can a human athlete achieve? Science can perceive small improvements. Paul sees the ideal. We can believe this; God promised it and He can fulfill it.

9/1/11 Alan Milnes - Lk 2:11-38

The Important Event Around 400yrs elapsed from end of Old Testament until start of New Testament, then all the announcements and events surrounding Jesus birth happened. This is an important event, easily missed after events of Christmas. We can look back from here, but we can lose focus on the significance of these details. Would we choose to be born into that family? Mary & Joseph were a devout young couple, they were careful to fulfill the regulations. Only after 8 days will a babies blood be able to clot. Lev 12. They observed the law, but couldn't afford the lamb, only the doves. Mat 1:18 was the start of Joseph's involvement. This fulfilled the prophecy. v19, a good man, he had 3 options, marry Mary, have Mary stoned, pay a fine to break engagement, sacrifice the little he had to avoid disgracing Mary. The priest, Simeon, was there by God's design. He was actively doing God's work while waiting for the promise to come. The revelation is that this salvation is for the whole world, not just Israel. Also, there would be 2 outcomes; victory, yet pain. Was this also what would happen to Joseph (we are not told). The prophet Hannah realised The Baby was here. She told the good news. God ordered that many will have the revelation of His light. We must talk about this baby to all we meet. Don't be surprised or dejected if the message is rejected. Holy Spirit will help us to reveal the light of God to the nations.



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