KCF Notes 2023

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These are mainly my notes & thoughts from the messages spoken to KCF.

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Available notes/messages ⇒
  8/1/23 - 5/2/23, 19/2/23 - 2/10/23, 22/10/23 - 24/12/23
Last updated 27/12/23

Speaker Index
Alan Milnes8/1, 23/4
Andrea Mill29/1, 30/4, 27/8, 26/11
Caitlin Burdis4/6
David Bebbington20/8
David Purves25/6
George Carratt14/5, 1/10, 24/12
Harry Sprange19/3, 7/5, 23/7, 12/11
Heather Sutherland28/5, 19/11
Hugh Henderson22/1, 13/8, 3/12
Iain Sutherland11/6, 6/8, 5/11
Jamie Mackintosh12/3, 9/4, 18/6, 16/7, 10/9, 22/10, 17/12
Jill Walker21/5, 24/9
Mark Laing2/4
Michael Palmer15/1, 5/3, 16/4
Nibin John9/7, 17/9, 29/10
Other Notes19/2
Paul Younger26/2, 26/3, 2/7, 3/9, 10/12
Richard Hobson5/2, 30/7
Theme Index
A True Son9/7, 16/7
Alive In Christ25/6
Chaos to Order21/5
Communion8/1, 7/5
Darkness Exposed13/8
Day of the Lord28/5
God Rescues4/6
God's 'F' Words2/7
Here is your God10/12
Hope10/9, 17/12
In Christ, Beyond Time5/2
Jesus Peace3/9
Kingdom of God30/4, 20/8, 27/8, 22/10
Law, Legend, Love23/4
Lord of the Sabbath26/2
Navigating Self Doubt1/10
Not What We Expected2/4
Prayer5/3, 29/10
Present Presence24/9
Release The Promise19/2
Rejoice In God11/6
Righteousness In God18/6
The Grain of Wheat29/1
Sabbath Rest16/4, 14/5
The Meaning of Life15/1
The Perfect Storm6/8
Truth Exposed22/1
Waiting Patiently26/3
When Prayer Doesn't Work?19/3
Who am I?12/3

24/12 George Isa 9:2,6-7 & Luk 2:8-16   Christmas

  We worshipped God in singing and silence; reflected in candlelight. Then we listened to the words of prophecy and promise. One of them given over 400 years before it happened. There was a story about a Best Christmas. More worship and a blessing followed by fellowship and celebration of two birthdays in the next two days.

17/12 Jamie Mackintosh Isa 40:1-11,27-31   Hope

  Advent is a time of forgiveness and of hope. In the Bleak Midwinter is a lovely carol; be sure your heart is not iron or your blood frozen. It concludes by praising an Almighty, powerful God. There is great celebration at His coming. What can we give Him? A humble, faithful heart. Christmas is the start of the Christian year. It's a time for love, hope, peace. A time to share what God has given to us with others around. Jesus' message is clear, but the world has confused it. Jesus entered our natural world. He lived with us, taught us, showed us the way and saved us. For many, Christmas is lost on drunken silliness. There is corruption and unfairness. The godless have an endless need for power. Their futile lives hardly compare to Jesus lying on straw. Bethlehem was still and subdued against the din and clamour of today. The purpose of the kings from the east was to come and worship. Christmas is the mass of Christ. Humbly share this with all around. It comes around before we know it and then passes very quickly. We should enjoy it. We can use it to inform our New Year resolutions. Hope: a small magical word. It can be a flippant good wish, or a profound longing. It is a promise, a person, a change in the present. We look for what is ahead; around the corner. Children have a vision of a better day ahead. Hope creates goodness in their lives. Hope is more than a feeling or contrived optimism. God is mercy, 1 Pet 1:3. God is Hope Rom 15:13. J Y Kim encourages people: don't ignore fear, confront it. Kierkegaard - "without risk there is no faith", faith imparts goodness. Hope is animated by expectation, founded on Christ. The wrappings of God's gift fooled some. Not always where we expect to find it. Jesus was 'too much like them'. We are part of the message. Rom 8:24. This is our real hope: Christ. Titus 1:2, God doesn't break promises. Faith is like a 6th sense. Heb 11:1. This hope comes through Holy Spirit living in us. Rom 12:12. Keep praying. See hope with 'hope-glasses'. Rom 8:25, patience can be difficult. Too often we fulfil it on Amazon. In quiet 'alone-moments', seek him. Gal 5:5. God is hope. Get to know Him. It also grows when you share it. 1 Pet 3:15, be hope and give a report of hope. People are receptive at the opportunities presented at Christmas. My hope is built on nothing less. Make sure you hope is in God and that you share it with others. John 14:3 is God's hope and comfort. When we give, we richly receive. Rom 15:13, trust in Him by power of Holy Spirit.

10/12 Paul Younger Isa 40:1-11   Here is your God

  Certain times of year have established themes. Advent is one of them. What theme is appropriate? The first advent candle symbolises 'Hope'. The second can denote 'Peace', 'Preparation' or 'Prophecy'. All good subjects for sermon. The message comes from God through His Word. Peace. The book "1066 and all that" is a parody of history. The subtitle mentions 103 good things. Peace is a good thing. Ukraine and Gaza need this now. It's not something you can buy. It would happen if 'they'... Pax Romana was not true peace. The Romans controlled things, and dealt with disturbances but there wasn't true peace. We can have an absence of war, but that may not even be peace. Speak tenderly, v1,2 comfort the people. We have all had that upset and been comforted by a parent. God is the Father, we can rest in him. Phil 4:7 the peace of God is beyond understanding. LBC magazine nearly contained a typo in one edition, "The peach of God". There is no other peace like it. There was a King who wanted to know what peace was. All the artists submitted paintings: summer meadows, sunlit forests, calm lakes. One was of a dark stormy scene, burt when you looked closer at the birds nest behind the torrent of water you could see a chick sleeping under it's mother's wing. We can be safe and sure in God despite all that is going on around us. Preparation, without it we fail. We do it for exams, interviews, new arrivals, buildings... It improves the outcome. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. The carol 'Joy to the World' encourges us to, "Let every heart prepare Him room". Is there room in my heart? There has to be repentance. Make room for Him. Prophecy can mean foretelling. Many prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus coming, more will be fulfilled when He returns. It also means to speak out the Word of God. The Jews were used to being conquered and exile. This promise was welcome by them. God's Word is contrasted with man's feeble words. His Words endure for ever. God is with us in Jesus. We have a duty to proclaim that Christ has come. Lift your voice with a shout. "Here is your King, here is your God!". It's two weeks tomorrow. Thank Him for peace, prepare for His coming, proclaim to the world.

3/12 Hugh Henderson Mk 5:1-20   Mission

  There are many challenges around the world, but the people of God are faithful and persistent. On a visit to Chittagong, Bangladesh, a 'guide' had to accompany them. He heard the gospel. Myanmar people are crossing over to the Hill Tracts country. There are Islamic and tribal regions. Many conversions are happening, but we must keep praying. In South Malawi, cyclone Freddy was devastating. 1200 people, crops, food and buildings were lost. A pastor is looking after 500 orphans. Myanmar military junta are still causing havoc and destroying villages. Buddhist and Muslim conflicts arise. Orphans are being saved. Young are people being trained to share the gospel (can only be shared in homes, not in street). Churches are being built. Ghana water projects in N Bolgatanga. Pastor runs radio station broadcasting into Burkino Faso. False gods are being removed. S Sudan war goes on, returnees still struggling. Big meal feeds thousands in 18 countries at 23 locations. This project is always over budget!
Mk 5:1-20 is a remarkable story, lots of different views. It is the essence of Christian faith. The man is trapped, helpless and hopeless. We are all like him: trapped. If God gave us what we deserved, we would be dead, Rom 6:23. C T Studd, "Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell." ~ Charles Studd. The Gospel is a rescue package, learn it, preach it. As evangelicals, we don't do this. We are not called to populate heaven, but to make disciples. We are not "holding the fort till Jesus comes". The word used for the meeting with Jesus means "when armies face off". The man is tormented and ready for battle. He has fallen to deep despair. This is to show Israel the situation they are in. These caves are rough and horrible. Luke tells us this man was wild and naked. Something happened when Jesus came. The "other side" where Jesus went to is not Jewish. The pigs were for demon sacrifices. They lived in a place that was a mess. Jesus comes to our midden. Lk 22:31, Satan may come to "sift you", but we cannot be possessed by the devil. We can be oppressed. Jesus is with us and in us, so it is no contest for the devil. These Jews didn't believe Jesus was the first coming of their messiah. The second coming is for judgement. The man thought this was the judgement. Eph 2:4 God is rich in mercy. We live by faith now, then we will live by sight. The weeping is for those who miss it (salvation). Rev 1:7 he us coming with clouds, tribes will wail (the ones that miss salvation). We are made whole by Jesus before we sort ourselves out. He was made sin for our sakes. Why is Jesus here (on the other side)? No decent Jew would go there. They ask him to leave. When the light shines the darkness is revealed. Jn 3:19 their deeds are evil. No distance or obstacle is too great for Jesus. The man was given a mission. Isa 6:8 who will I send? Jn 20:21 Jesus sends us. Rom 1:24 God gave them up. How do we tell people about Jesus? Go and do it. It is our special mission.

26/11 Andrea Mill Lk 19:11-27, 12:13-21   Gifts

  Advent is coming; it will soon be Christmas. What are you going to give? Lk 19:11-27. A very creative story told by Jesus, the creator God. Lk 12:13-21. v15 life is not about possessions. Life is about quality of relationships. Jesus saw the man was greedy. v16-21. Earthly things are not much use when you're dead. How many live for the future? This doesn't bring happiness or contentment now. God says: ask for daily bread, let tomorrow take care of itself. Seek first the Kingdom of God. We must use what God gives us wisely. We reap the consequences of ignoring God. David had a passion for God and wanted to build the temple. He encouraged everyone to give. 1 Chron 29:14, David encouraged everyone to give even though he realised everything they had came from God. We are called to give generously. Our culture urges us to buy and acquire things for ourselves. We are called to be wise. Tithing is a godly principle. Malchi 3:6-12 we rob God and suffer the consequences. These failings affect the whole nation. We can be blessed when we give. God wants us to be generous. Prov 11:25. Refresh others, you will be refreshed. Rom 12:5-8, serve, teach, lead... generously. Build up each other, build up the Kingdom. Jesus is the king in the parable. Holy Spirit is coming, with spiritual gifts. Ask how we can use them. Keep practicing and honing your gifts. Whatever you have give it away. Give love, generously. God gives love to everyone. Advent is a season of hospitality. Guard your time alone, but give yourself in sharing. Seek God for an appropriate gift to give. What He gives us is not ours to keep, it's to give away. Do it with joy, in his strength.

19/11 Heather Sutherland Mt 11:25-30   Rest

  Well known verses from 28-30. Think about rest. We can get really tired physically. A label can help us to deal with illness and disease. We must make time for rest. Is tiredness just needing to sleep, or is it more? Jesus taught large crowds on many occasions. He also went away many times by himself with the Father. His yoke is not more church meetings. The 10 commandments given to Moses instructed them to take rest. Take time to stop. Walk in the hills, switch the radio or TV off. Learn to rest in His presence. He will give what you need, perhaps a heavenly hug. Learn from Jesus' example. Take this more seriously. Society tells us to cram everything in. Let God open up space for you. Ask God for what you need. Earthly Dad's want to spend time with their children, so does your heavenly Dad. Don't fill up your time with other stuff. Give yourself space. 365 names of God. Be in His presence. Let Him give us rest and minister to us. Listen to what He is saying.

12/11 Harry Sprange 2 Pet 1:3-11   Blameless

  God wants us to be blameless. We must be fully forgiven by God. 2 Pet 1:3-11. Verses 3 & 4, He has given us everything we need and we must participate in the divine nature to escape corruption. Sounds so mystical and over our heads. Do we believe that we participate in this? God chose to share himself with us, John 15:5, we are in union with the vine. Rom 5:10 we are saved through his life! (We were reconciled by his death). Are you saved? From what? (all manner of evil) John 6:53 eat the flesh and drink blood. Jesus is the ultimate Passover. You have to eat the whole sacrifice. Eternal life is not the next life, it is life with God now. John 17:3, it is to know God. Our bodies are a tent, the real us lives on. John 10:10, Jesus released his abundant life in us. Our faith overcomes the world: be confident you can overcome. 1 Cor 10:13 nothing has overtaken us that will stop us from being victorious. 1 John 4:4 He in us is greater. Most of the church live a sub-Christian life. There is much more. We have an upward call in God. Let us go on beyond the basics, Heb 6:1. Don't stay where you are. Put on new self Eph 4:24. Heb put on holiness. We shall be like Him (1 Jn 3:2); this is not a sudden process. It is happening now. We don't believe in purgatory where we will be made ready. People are made in God's image, Jesus restores us to this. Transformed 1 Cor 3:18. Predestination is not about God choosing some to go to hell. We are being chosen to be made to be like Jesus. 1 John 4:17 we are like Him now. We are called to be like Jesus. Christian's are mini-Christ's. It's more than going to church. We are to be the church, we participate in the life of Jesus, we do the things Jesus did. Mt 28:20, teach and obey everything. Cleanse, heal, preach... After the resurrection, everyone is to do this (not just the 12 or the 72). We are not developing pew fodder. Eph 3:19 fulness of God fills us. 1 Cor 10:16 encourages participation in the blood, join in. 1 Cor 6:17, joined to Lord. Fulness, complete in union with Christ. Not imitating Jesus, but God's activity in us making us like Him. Let people see your good works. Allow Him to do this. Col 1:27 Christ in us, the hope of glory. Perfect in Christ. Labour in this. Paul's goal is that we shoiuld help one another. It is not about getting a 'ticket to heaven'.

5/11 Iain Sutherland Ps 27, Mt 7:24-27   Sanctuary

  Confirmation of message in the worship: hope. Ps 27. We don't have to look too far to realise the world is in chaos. Ray Simpson, author of Houses of Prayer, promotes following the early saints to build God's Kingdom against the chaos. As we see in the psalm, David was yearning for security in God. His strategy in the chaos was - don't fight it, seek God. Come into His Sanctuary. He is the one to seek. We can create the place where we can come to to find God's presence. Mt 7:24-27. Build a place of security when the floods come. Find safety and sanctuary in the Lord. Jesus says, "Trust me". Look at the birds and how God looks after them. This is a foundation of the sanctuary. Lean on Him, trust in Him, ask Him to provide. These are building blocks to help you create your sanctuary. Don't be anxious. (The chaos creeps in; it is a tool of the enemy.) This is another brick to build on. Know the Kingdom of God is ours. Seek it and everything will be added. Let Him help you build it. Luke 6:17-23, Jesus restores the people (sermon on the plain). Seek the law that Jesus fulfilled. Prior to the parable of the builders, is Jesus warning that not everyone who calls Him Lord will get the reward, but those who consistently do the work of the Kingdom. It's about relationship. Rev 3:20. Create the sanctuary and place of safety with Him. In the time of Aiden it wasn't all peace and harmony: there were conflicts between kingdoms. Though the King was impatient, they spent 40 days fasting and praying on Lindisfarne. This foundation helped them build effectively. They were building on the principle Jesus imparted at the cross: John behold your mother, build a household. This pattern was followed by the desert fathers and eventually led to the gospel moving to Ireland, Iona, Lindisfarne and also Jura with Brendan (featured in BBC's Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle). From these safe places the monks went out on mission trips. Used in Star Wars, the Skeets in Ireland, is a place of solitude establish by the early saints. Jesus and John spent time in solitude before speaking to the people. In 1727 the 100 year Moravian prayer meeting sparked an awakening. The Kingdom flows from the King. A Roman soldier, Martin of Tours, had a vision of Jesus and started to seek and live for the Kingdom of God. Ninian built a white house as a sanctuary. It was a stone dwelling that was then whitewashed and widely known as the dwelling of the man of God. Aidan's lifestyle was similar to Ninian's. They learned peoples livestyles to be able to speak into them. They started with a sanctuary, then reached out to the community. In prayer, ask God how to build your sanctuary.

29/10 Nibin John Luke 18:9-14, 1 Chron 4:9-10   Prayer

  Two parables, two people. Two people praying. Jews must pray 3 times a day; morning noon and night. The Pharisee prayed where everyone could see and hear him. It is all about him. He recites his religious observances. He proclaims all that he has done for God. God hears him - praising himself! He is not giving praise or thanks to God. We should praise and thank God, not ourselves. The tax collector stood far back and asked for mercy. Tax collectors were viewed as sinners by everyone else in society. He knew he was a sinner, but gives priority to God. He humbles himself. God will exalt him. God will answer prayers for mercy. God sees our attitude in our prayers. 1 Chron 4:9,10 the only two verses in the Bible to mention the man Jabez. His story and his prayer. He trusted in God his saviour. He cried out to God, the one who keeps our tears in a jar. The prayer is short and powerful. His request is granted. The Israelites are coming back from exile: His prayer is not selfish, but for the whole community. He knows good things come from God. We name these things before God and submit them to Him. By faith he claimed the things he wanted from God. This is a biblical principle and not prosperity gospel (a mis-use of the good things God gives). Tell God what you need. Prayer can change your destiny. Prayer transforms a curse into a blessing. Our current situation does not define our future. With faithful prayer we can see change. Ps 86:15-17 God's goodness is a witness. God shows favour to those who call on Him. Show favour to others, God will bless you. Act honourably and God will honour you. 1 Chron 2:55 the town and community named after Jabez flourish because of his prayer. God blesses us to eternity. Show favour to God, He will show favour to us. Enlarge your spiritual territory, ask God for increase. Reclaim what Satan had claimed in our lives and communities. Learn from Jabez. Don't be put down by Satan or distracted by 'fb' or 'insta'. Increase your faith. Ask God to keep us in the coming months; to be blessed and free from pain. Be a blessing to those we meet. Humble yourself so Jesus can bless.
During the worship George saw an image of a matress - for those who are weary, God will give (comforting) rest; for those needing a lift, God will put a spring in your step.

22/10 Jamie Mackintosh Matthew 6:25-34   Kingdom of God

  We can experience times with many challenges: when lots of things break and need fixed, or a lack of sleep. Even in these times we should not worry, but focus on The Kingdom of God. Mt 6:25-34. There is enduring hope of the coming King. Hope for now and for eternity (Jn 3:36). Only God can save and restore. Only He is incorruptible. His purpose for salvation through Jesus death also brought in the new Kingdom through Jesus life. Seek first the Kingdom, do not worry, be holy. Matthew's gospel is a bridge from OT to NT. It is the fulfilment of God's plan in Isa and Psalms. Jesus embodies the Kingdom. His life is immersed in Scripture. This lifestyle leads to a fruitful life. We receive His righteousness. Ps 37:4 take delight in God. Isa 55:6 seek God while he can be found. Prov 3:5,6 trust in God with all your heart. Live your life in his presence, not as a show for others. Man has the Ruach, breath of God in him, Gen 2:7. The Son of Man's dominion is everlasting. Ps 145.13 His Kingdom for all generations. Rev refers to the eternal city which has no light because God is its light. Do we live by the golden rule? (Do to others...) Or should we have a higher goal? The Kingdom is Jesus main theme in all His preaching. Earthly kingdoms are physical, God's Kingdom is His presence. Rev 17:14, there is a battle, but He is victorious. Mt 28:18, we must conform to his way while living in this world. Jesus' teaching gives us understanding, His death gives us access, His Spirit guides us. He provides for us; this sets us free from worry. His word assures us, but in practice we are not assured. Remember the Robin and the sparrow. Mt 6:26 we are more valuable. Keep It Simple - seek first the Kingdom, there we find peace and provision.

1/10 George Exodus 3:11-4:12   Navigating Self-Doubt

  Exerpts from article by Shona Cullens in 'Alongside' magazine (Navigators UK). Do you ask, 'Can I really do this?', 'Can God use me?'. We see others who are bolder, have more charisma and are more 'Christian' than we are. This is the same question Moses in asking in Ex 3:11. God graciously and gently reassures him (Ex 3:12, 4:12), but he still tries to wriggle out of it, Ex 4:13. God has to remind Moses who He is: God knows who we are and how we're made (Ex 4:11-12). We cannot escape Him (Ps 139:7-12). To make a start you can create a Relational network diagram, then pray and ask: Who can I get alongside? Find one person to meet up with and get to know them.
Someone you know may be asking, 'Can I really get alongside someone? Can God use me?'. They may have disqualified themselves because they view you as bolder, more charismatic and more 'Christian'. Tell them the story of Moses, how God helped him and how He has helped you. Encourage them to create a Relational network diagram. Pray with them and ask God to show them who they can get alongside. Suggest they meet with them to get to know them...


24/9 Jill Walker Ex 3:1-14   Present Presence

  Lots of work with young people - K2(SU groups) in schools. Bible Alive in Newport, St Andrews, Falkland and soon in Tayport. Magnitude at Lendrick Muir had 1000 attending with exuberant worship. Holiday clubs participated in "Mission Rescue", the Moses story: God hears us, rescues us, calls us and guides us. The 'picture' of the burning bush in Ex 3:1-2 is intruiging. Is it just the mystery of the fire, or is it an Angel, or God, or Jesus? Moses responds to the sight, v3-4 and God calls him. He is told in v5 that God is holy. Moses had been casual, but now is awestruck. God reveals in v7,8 His plans to rescue the people from Egypt. The outcast, Moses, is the one to do it, along with God's help. v11 Moses objects. v14 I AM sends him. God reveals himself. We are called into His presence. Was it Moses first encounter? God has set eternity in the hearts of men. What do encounters with God look like? We can come boldly into His presence. There are everyday and special encounters. Do we just want to know Him more? Do we find this on the beach or a big gathering? (We are all different.) There can be a 'Gift of faith' for a meeting. There can be a tangible sense of God's presence. Fire purifies and cleanses. 24/7 Prayer (led by Pete Greig) had some amazing meetings with a very real sense of God's presence. Do we stand in awe and wonder? Do we desire intimacy? What are the idols in my life that distract me from this? Are we brave enough to face up? In God's PRESENCE we need to be PRESENT. God will be there for us. This happens when we spread the gospel and live for the Kingdom.: when we partner with Him. We should be present to Him and to those around. He prepares us. For some, we are the only connection they have to God. Magnitude testimony: hundreds of 12-19 year olds were prayed for. There was healing, tongues and calling to places and vocations. God wants to draw them. We should carry the Presence with us. Do we shut Holy Spirit in the basement of our hearts/lives? How big is the light or the flame in us? We carry the flame. Leviticus 6:9,12,13, the fire must be kept burning. We supply fuel to the fire by reading the Word and by prayer. This can change the atmosphere when you enter a room.

17/9 Nibin John Gen 37:1-11   Vision

  Text - Thes 5:24, Hab 2:3. Joseph was a patient man. His vision took many years. It was not an ordinary dream he had, it was a dream of the future. He was still a teenager when he had the dream. His second dream took many years of patient waiting, until Gen 41:41, when Joseph became second in charge of all Egypt. For us it is just a few chapters, but for him it was many years and many stages later. He endured a time of rejection, from verse 8. The brothers understood the dream and were jealous of him. It compares to Samuel chosing David, the youngest son of Jesse, to be king. Joseph's brothers knew that, by their tradition, he would be last in line to rule. Even his father also rejected the dream. As Christians, we will also face rejection. Keep praying and be patient. Joseph went through times of trials (v22). At least some of his brothers didn't want to shed his blood, so they threw him in a well. Wells in the summer have little water and are muddy and need cleaned. A rope is needed to pull the person out after cleaning the well. Joseph was sold to foreign people v28. Chapter 39:20, he became a prisoner for something he didn't do. As Christians we face trials, to test our faith. God knows how much testing we can take. We may have illness, financial difficulties, family issues or other tests. God is testing your faith, not you! He will not overwhelm or desert you. After contracting Meningitis B, a Catholic doctor declared to Nibin, "by His stripes we are healed" (Isa 53:5) A Hindu nurse started reading the Bible. God will also be reaching out to others from your situation and testimony. Gen 39:2, God was with Joseph, also 21,23. He will be with you too. God brought success and reached others. Joseph enjoyed a time of blessing. Remember this 41:41 was 22 years later. 43:15 was when the dream is fulfilled. Consider also Hannah, 1 Sam; God closed her womb, but she patiently prayed and waited. She had rejection and trials. God blessed her. God can answer us at the correct time. Heb 11:1, have faith. Faith is linked to patience. Pray for your promises. Ps 135:14 God will vindicate His people. Ps 27:14 wait patiently for the Lord, be strong. Jn 14:3 God is preparing a place for us and is coming for us. He promised this before he left. Wait for it. Pray for it. Pray everyone will know about Jesus, then He will come. We have Holy Spirit with us. He guides and comforts us in our trials. His blessing will come.

10/9 Jamie Mackintosh Isa 43:18-21   Hope

  Prayer is our conversation with God. In praise we, "Lift high the name of Jesus" (Keith & Kristyn Getty). We have an enduring hope of a coming king and a brighter future. God is changing things. He can overturn the seemingly impossible. God's message is steeped in imagery. We are made in His image. Adam sought knowledge. Noah endured the flood. The people fled from Egypt and experienced exile and endurance while God changed them. Saul was permitted to be their king and anointed, but became corrupt. David too. Nehemiah led them in rebuilding Jerusalem. We know the history, yet we still transgress. How often do we wait for God? Appreciate his blessings? We continue in corruption, condemnation and consolation. Man's iniquity, leaders that fail us can cause us to despair. The Messiah is coming. We can face the world with hope. Don't look at the past in way that taints the future. Our shortcomings have brought down our expectations. Don't become enslaved to the past. Develop and grow from these lessons. Avoid hopelessness: hope in Jesus. We are enslaved by the government, the internet and other influences. Where is our hope? It was hard for the prophets to motivate the people of God. God will sustain us. He prepares our way. He controls the past, present and future. He supplies rivers in desert and other amazing feats, he provides in abundance. It is up to us to drink. Follow the Law of Life of Spirit. Take away the wrappings of our hearts; the selfishness, the greed... Isa 35:1 the desert will blossom, this is a new thing from God. His word cannot fail. Our efforts may fail. Our Father pulls us from the myre so many times. There is a coming servant king. He is the one new thing.

3/9 Paul Younger Mt 26:36-46   Jesus Peace

  Matthew chapter 26 has 75 verses. LBC are studying this Gospel and reading all of the verses. It will be a 'short' reading today from verses 36-46. There is a lot in just this one chapter. Many events heading towards a dramatic climax. Like our lives, it is frantic and full of activity. We like to enjoy quiet periods and moments of stillness. Was it a peaceful time for Jesus? There was Anguish, he was Alone, he came to Acceptance. How can we understand what Jesus experienced? Like an ice berg, very little of his emotions were visible. Anguish is not easy to see. He was very troubled. Anguish can't have a suffix; that is as superlative as it gets. He was extremely distressed. The Greek word, perilupos, means very sorrowful, greatly grieved, engulfed. Panic attacks are not as severe as this condition. It was a heavy weight on him. His duality of nature is shown here - fully God and fully human. Fulfilment of His purpose is only hours away. In these crucial moments he was alone. Only his inner circle were in the garden with him, but then they were at a distance. The Bill Withers song confirms, "we all need someone to lean on". Jesus went back and the disciples were sleeping - 3 times. They were His closest friends! When James and John's mother asked for positions for her sons, Jesus asked them, "Can you drink this cup?". They were now sleeping and afraid. Jesus did not condemn them v41. Silence is not absence. Jesus continues his mission accepting the answer God gave. Was there ever a more fervent or heartfelt prayer? Full of raw emotion. No one wants to be whipped or beaten. Jesus was not mad. His response was (v39) YET, not my will, but yours be done. There was no hesitation in him. In those moments only Jesus could pray this. Jesus finds the peace He needs to go ahead. We have access to this peace. Pink Floyd's song, The Great Gig in the Sky, has no words, but vocal sounds that become very intense before resolving to a peaceful melodic conclusion. Accepting the Father's will gave Him the strength to fulfil his purpose. Communion reading verses 20-29.


27/8 Andrea Mill Mt 5:1-15   God's Kingdom

  Jesus' teachings recorded in Mt 5 were at the beginning of His ministry. After the temptation, He starts by preaching repentance. He desribes to them what the Kingdom is like. He calls His disciples and people follow Him. In verses 14 & 15, the houses were small buildings with small windows and very little natural light. A lamp was placed on a stand to give as much light as possible to the room. The bowl was put over the lamp for safety when they went out. The Hebrew word for city meant a group of dwellings with a wall. Cain built the first city, Enoch. It needed a wall for protection, due to his past, from his fears and those he had wronged. Cities can be good. Babylon wasn't good. It was built from a futile human attempt to reach heaven. How does man's design compare with God's provision? Mans desires were selfish. God's plan of redemption is bringing His garden into man's city. Zion was a city on a hill. Jerusalem was a model of God's kingdom. David acts like Cain. The city becomes a den of robbers. God has to bring justice for the wrongdoings. God will create the heavenly city as prophesied by Isaiah. Jesus arrived on earth when Herod was ruler and there was evil taking place in Jerusalem. Jesus spoke to the ordinary people first. He began with blessings. He teaches about being salt and light. His followers are to make a difference in this world. You are the light and part of the city on the hill. God's city, not built by man. Jesus teaches us to give generously, turn other cheek, love our enemies. Good relationships are at the heart of His teaching. He brings the 'garden' way, the picture that John gets in revelation (Rev 21 1-4). Jesus is bringing this city. We are called to usher it in, by witness and ministry. Jesus is the glorious light, Isa 60 is about Him and about us. We are meant to follow His teaching. That is shining our light. We are instructed to reflect his light which is living within us. We should treat people the way Jesus did; spread love and healing; interact with your society. Christianity is not a private thing, it is to change the world. When we hide our light, the darkness takes over. Prayer takes down strongholds. What happens when we stand together? The light increases and shines brighter. What can we do individually, as a church, as churches together? We are salt and light. The first things Jesus taught. The Bible ends with God's garden city coming to earth, not man's city reaching to heaven. There is no temple in God's city, no night or darkness, only those whose names are written. The city of light has no need for a wall. Rev 22 is John's vision of Eden restored with the tree of life and people with His name on their heads, vv1-5.

20/8 David Bebbington 2 Sam 5:1-12   Leadership

  The coronation of Charles 3rd as king of UK and 14 other countries took place in May. There was no crown at David's anointing, but there was an elaborate ceremony. What makes a good (Christian) leader? David was made king of all Israel. 2 Samuel 5 verses 1 and 2 tell of the qualities they wanted in their king: a shepherd and a ruler. The first verse states he was also related, flesh and blood, there was an affinity. V2 shows he had experience as a commander and a shepherd. He was anointed and had Divine approval. What should organisations and churches look for in a leader? 1 Tim 3:1-7 gives guidance on this. Leaders should be close to the people. They should have experience of similar duties and have the approval of God. Those appointing a leader should pray over such appointments. There should be rules of engagement (v3); obligations, a covenant or a compact that is two-sided. David was to be different from Saul. Saul was domineering. A Christian leader is not to throw their weight about. They should consider those who are serving - all positions, great or small. A current example is to be kind to shopkeepers. Recognise rights of others. Anointing is a sacred moment, our King received his behind a screen. Heb 1:9, anointing is a blessing for serving God's ways. Mk 1:9 John saw Jesus anointed with Holy Spirit. Jesus needed these resources, so do we. When we take the lead we should ask God for resources. There were insults against leaders verses 6-9. It stung David. They annoyed Goliath. Insults are to be expected in leadership, as is criticism. Trust in your divine commission. Stay calm and carry on, persevere. David fulfilled his duties v9. Jerusalem at that time was centre of world. Hereford cathedral has an ancient map showing this. We expect our leaders to act well, they should expect the same from us. By fulfilling all this the blessings of God were with Him (v10). Parable of talents, Mt 25:14-30. We must use our talents from the Lord; seek his blessings on the tasks we do. David's obedience and diligence brought him recognition, particularly from Tyre which was very wealthy. God's Kingdom was for the people, all the people. Vocation is an important factor in any occupation or pursuit. When God calls us this gives us the highest motivation. Good leadership requires Qualifications, Obligations and Resources. It involves Insults, Duties, Blessings and Recognition. David is a great example for us. Jesus, the son of David, is a greater example.

13/8 Hugh Henderson Mark 5:1-20   Darkness Exposed

  Mission International - In S Sudan there is fighting and people are leaving. Some are returning due to war in Sudan, but they are not eligible for aid in their own country. In Bangladesh, Islamic Military are clearing the Hillfoot country of inhabitants for no reason. They have been hit by horrendous floods, yet young people are getting baptised. Their Govt is not happy. Some exile to India. They leave children in churches (where it is safe) to give themselves a better chance to run away. In Malawi, cyclone Freddie was the deepest ever recorded. Many are in rescue camps where MI are helping to feed them. The Pastors house in the city was destroyed. 10,000 arrived at camp with nothing. The pastor started preaching and 500 responded to gospel. The Myanmar Buddhist Military brutally attack Christians in villages, there are mass killings. Schools meet in the forest and earth pits for protection from shrapnel. Houses for orphans have been set up. Pastors lead gatherings in houses as they are not allowed to preach in public. Two villages in Ghana, Doba and Kandiga, were at war over their 'gods'. They have a penalty of death for not worshipping them. MI organised a big meal for everyone. Another Pastor who heard the gospel over the radio wanted to start his own gospel radio station. Some Americans gave him enough old equipment to get it started. Water was also a contentious issue, but a supply was provided to ease tensions. Their weapons are being laid down.
The Word - Mk 5:1-20 is a remarkable story. The whole passage is about a problem for all humanity: before we come to Christ we are trapped and hopeless. If we got what we deserved, we would all get hell, Rom 6:23. Like the man in the tombs, we are trapped. C T Studd said, “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop, within a yard of hell.” Churches are rescue centres. The demoniac and Jesus meet, v2, like armies coming together for a battle. Masses of them. Israel is under the boot of Rome. The man is under the control of the demon. Singular and plural are used to describe this supernatural occurrence. The demons speak through the man. These tombs were caves. There was the smell of decay. He was unspeakably messed up. Possessed is not like the Hollywood depiction, it means influenced by other forces. A Christian cannot be possessed. We can be oppressed. The demons are not happy at this encounter. They know it is a no-contest with Jesus. Torture refers to the coming of the Messiah. The Jews hadn't realised Jesus was coming twice. Judgement was not His purpose on this visit. Jesus looks at the man from the tombs. He too, would look like this man at his death, he also went to the tomb, but it could not hold Him. Why was Jesus there, away on the Gentile side of the lake? He was doing the Father's will. Most towns wanted Jesus to stay with them, but the people of this area begged Him to leave. Jn 3:19 - Jesus was exposing their darkness. His mission was to one man. Rom 1:19 the gospel is power of God, for salvation. The power is in the words. The man is given a mission. Rev 12:11 there is power in testimony. Isa 6:8, who will go? Jn 20:21 Jesus sends us. Be obedient, scatter the seed. God opens the door. Mission International is doing amazing work, so can you.

6/8 Ian Sutherland Psalm 24:1-9   The perfect storm

  John Paul Jackson wrote down some prophecy in the 1980’s which became part of the “The perfect storm”. Psalm 24:1-9 - The King and his Kingdom. We are in the Kingdom of Fife. Consider David’s words in the light of what is going on in the world today. Refuel ‘23 had a summit of Streams Ministries people. They are a group of people modelling a mature prophetic ministry with character. A lot of prophetic ministry portrays ‘Zeal without Knowledge’ which is hard to restrain. The Gifting is the easy part, character development takes time. There have been recent high temperatures in Europe, there is conflict in Russia & Ukraine, atrocities in Africa and turmoil in many places. However the media hype things up and only report on the extremes. Everything is NOT falling apart. Ps 24 is following the return of the Ark of the Covenant to it’s proper place. It held the provision of God, manna. It was also the representation of the holiness and presence of God. He is the Almighty. It also had Aarons staff, representing the supernatural. We are all meant to be priests: to stand before God, carry the Kingdom and bless others. (LHOP - Carry, Stand, Bless) The world is shifting and changing. The church is now seen as a threat to the world and people’s way of life. Not all of John Paul’s prophecy has been fulfilled, but we have experienced the 2012 woes, weird weather due to the jet stream shift and famine due to conflict in Ukraine and Africa. There has also been an oil price hike due to Russian hostilities and an economic power shift to China. Mt Fuji is no longer dormant and may become active. God does these things for a reason. 1 The Church must return to knowing God and His ways. 2 Christians must contend for the faith again. 3 Our love of God's Word must increase. In the world, truth will not be tolerated. We must not pick and chose which bits we believe. 4 We need to rend our hearts before God. Ps 24 was key in the Lewis revival. John Wimber wants us to be “Witnesses for a powerful Christ”. Watch out for media hype and spin. The reason for dwindling attendance in mosques may not be increased secularism, it could be a rise in Christianity. The call is to simplify and streamline our lives. Reconnect with family and friends. Rethink our life aims. Do we respond to principals or pressures? Start to influence others. Take time to listen to God. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. God is bigger than all the troubles in the world and bigger than the whole universe. Rediscover the awe of God: big, holy, pure, good. This is our security. Pray to pursue His presence. Make good choices. Do circumstances form us? God knows the big picture.


30/7 Richard Hobson Eph 2:1-9   Grace

  There is nothing 'new' in the message this morning; we should be be worried if there is. The songs and prayers have previewed the message. The theme of 'Grace' featured in all songs, especially the last one. 'Teams' and other messaging apps can be a nuisance with their constant pinging. Like all these apps there is an etiquette to follow, including introductions. Paul's introduction and preamble in all his letters start with, "Grace to you and peace". Is it just a formality? No, he means it. Paul understood God's grace. What is grace? It is undeserved favour. It isn't a force or a thing, nor a state of mind. It is how one person relates to another. We can be shown grace and not realise it. Often we don't recognise it. We might need it and not know it. Grace requires both someone needing it and someone giving it. Eph 2:1-9. Everyone needs it. This is a counter cultural passage. Today people just please themselves and try not offend the prevailing ideologies. Paul speaks the truth. Many are following Satan (the ruler of the kingdom of the air). The glory of grace is that it is unmerited. It is uncomfortable, but essential to know we don't deserve it. We judge ourselves by how sinful we are compared to others. We all fail to keep the 1st commandment. Verse 5 reminds us we were dead. Suddenly the God of mercy makes us alive! God is the grace giver. His love, mercy, and life are ours, we are seated with Christ with all the gifts. We can get over familiar with this. We must treasure His grace to us. The focal point isn't us, it is Jesus. Verses 5-7, we are with Christ and in Christ. We benefit from the grace so we can focus on Jesus. We don't bask in the grace as if it was something we achieved, we give him glory. We forget how sinful we are. The righteousness of Christ fits us well, but only He allows us to stand in His presence. Without the righteousness we are children of wrath. How do we live? It is more than salvation. The cross is a means to an end. It saves us, but it also enables us to fulfil the main purpose - to walk and commune with God. Grace is not to turn us inward, but to turn us to Jesus to see his glory. John Piper, in 'God is the Gospel' shows that fellowship with God is the purpose of grace. Know the Father. It is the living way into His presence. Affirmation can boost our self esteem, but this is not love. The critical question is: if heaven was everything you wanted, would you be happy if Jesus wasn't there? We are saved to enjoy Jesus. His love is to bring us to Jesus.

23/7 Harry Sprange Jude 24, Mt 5:44   Forgiveness

  What is the goal of the Christian life? Jude 24, not to stumble, to be blameless. We do fall, even though God is helping us. 1 Cor 1:8 we will be blameless, 1 Thess 3:13. We should also make the effort, 2 Pet 3:14, Titus 1:6. The Word tells us, so it must be possible. Start by knowing you are forgiven. It is a condition for knowing God. Perfect love drives out fear. The teaching we receive is not only for us, but is also something to give away to others. Every good teacher, brings out new and old. If you don't feel forgiven, have you repented? Mt 3:8. Renounce sin. Have you confessed, Jas 4:8-10? Get to the truth of the matter. Confess out loud, Lev 5:5. Sin only leaves the human body through the mouth! Mt 6:15 do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to put something right? Mt 5:23,24, Lev 6:4,5 (NLT) give back with compensation. Theft needs restitution. God cares about the people we have wronged. Get someone to pray with you, Jas 5:16 if you're trapped. We find it hard to receive an apology. We need to release others. What is the barrier to forgiveness? Usually resentment, get rid of a bitter root, Heb 12:15. We find it hard to forgive ourselves. God has forgiven and forgotten, why don't we? Rom 8:31, God is for us. Jesus fulfilled all the offerings in OT. Jesus is our sin offering and our guilt offering. Heb 12:2,3 he took our shame, the curse. The Jews had to eat and absorb the sacrifice. Go back to God, ask for the memory to be taken away. Are we resentful against God? Why did you not heal me; why did you take away my loved one. God is good, go back to Him. Don't blame God for the works of the devil. The account of Job shows there are evil powers at work in the world. Forgiving others. We've all been hurt. Has it been dealt with? People can feel exploited by Church leaders. We all feel pressurised by those in authority. "They don't recognise my gift", can cause resentment. Some can feel abandoned like children who leave families. Some are wrongly accused and punished. There can be deep roots. Col 3:13 instructs us to bear and forgive, we are forgiven Mt 6:14,15. We are all wounded. Wounds are different from scars. Scars are healed and don't hurt. Wounds need healed. We can't undo the past, but open it to God. God knows all things, He is just and forgives. Rom 12:19, do not take revenge. Mt 5:44 love and pray for your enemies. Jesus bore their sins too; 1 Jn 2:2 , the sins of whole world. We don't have to carry burden of another's sins. The issue is the will, not the heart. Ask for God's help. If we are unwilling we must repent. If necessary seek prayer ministry. When Job prayed for his 'friends' (42:10) he was blessed even more than before all the calamities.

16/7 Jamie Mackintosh Titus 1,2,3   A True Son (Titus)

  Paul begins his letter to Titus with the hope of eternal life. Soteriology (theology of salvation) is fulfilled in Christ's sufficient work for us on the cross. Last time we saw that poor spirits can have enduring hope in Ps 88. This letter is about the brokenness of the Church. Titus, a Greek convert, is sent to an island which has a different 'landscape' to modern Crete. Corruption and debauchery were rife. The similar state of our society today means this letter speaks volumes to us. Titus was sent to clean up the church and send them out with the true message. Paul structures his message in 'Tasks', 'Households' and 'Society'. The church had assimilated worldly ways. The church leaders were supposed to be different from society and preach the good news. We, too, should be setting good examples. Paul's brutal analysis (also in Galatians) was ironically from the prophetic work of a Cretan poet. Their Cretan ways deny God. Cretan households were a total wreck. Their watered down gospel message was not compelling. Today there is also a blurred, confusing message to the lost around us. Paul defines a good model of household. Young people should not be delaying marriage so they can 'sleep around'. We should be obedient to the correct hierarchy and authority over us. Christians are to fully participate in holy living. The beautiful summary of Christian life is the remedy. Christians are to be ideal citizens - in a counter cultural way. Titus 3:5 is a poetic description of the salvitic work of Jesus. We must model good character and preach good news that others may see Jesus. Proclaim one Jesus, one gospel. Be true to Jesus' Word. Lord help us to be strong for what is right.

9/7 Nibin John Phil 1:1-8.   A True Son (Timothy). Click to view slides

  South India is mostly Christian. Nibin's family moved to Edinburgh in 2003. He recently married Tindo who has just finished her Masters degree. Phil 1:6 speaks of God beginning a good work in you. We all have this work in us and we must see it through. Timothy had lots of good things in his life. He ran a good race and was a great ambassador. His faith was great; it grew and lasted. Sometimes our faith diminishes, some even lose it. Grow your faith Timothy built on his faith daily. 2 Tim 3:14,15 tells us of the key to his success - learn the Scripture; the laws and the prophets. Lois his grandmother and his mother Eunice taught him from infancy (2 Timothy 1:5). Teach your grandchildren about God. We all have a part to play. Plant seeds to help others grow. Be a good example Acts 16:2 Timothy had the testimony of others and was well thought of. Timothy's father was Greek and his mother was Jewish which made life difficult for him. As Christians we may not fit in and may be excluded. We can still live a good life and we need to have a good witness. Be sure to be in God's book of life, Revelation 3:5. Know your calling 1 Tim 5:23, despite his health issues he responded to God's call to minister and serve. God can use us for his glory. We must be willing to serve and obey. There are lots of ways to share the gospel, just be available. Nibin's health issues started in 2016. In July he was admitted to hospital and after 2 wks an endoscopy revealed stage 4 lymphoma in his stomach. After the 1st of 4 cycles of chemo, Ps 30:9 was an encouragement. The disease spread to his lungs and vocal chords and he lost his voice. When his voice returned, the first word he could say was, "Hallelujah!". With a temperture of 41º he went into a coma. There was much prayer and encouragement from Ps 118:17 - "live" and "proclaim". Nibin was healed and discharged from hospital and went on to study for Theology at Edinburgh, then a masters at Glasgow. Know your calling. Timothy was very young. 1 Tim 4:12. Whatever age you are, set a good example. Don't let others views put you off. Preach, teach, live pure, give generously. Be the right one for the job Be a good missionary, be available, God will use you. Timothy was the right person for the role. Acts 16:3. Timothy my true son. Paul created the group with Timothy to build churches and share the gospel. God removed Barnabas, but gave Paul Timothy instead. God may take things from us, but will fill the gap. God will exalt Ps 65:4. Be an encouragement to others Timothy was an encouragement and a blessing. He is the one who honours God. 2 Tim 4:9. Come quickly. Timothy was Paul's student, but also his 'go to' for comfort and a close friend. Do those outside church see us as their hope or comfort? Pray that others will ask us to comfort and encourage them.

2/7 Paul Younger Mt 20:1-34   God's 'F' Words

  The songs we sing and the technology that helps us sing them have changed over the (many) years, but the Word has not changed. The 'New' Testament is over 2000 years old, yet God's Word is fresh, new and relevant today. It is a privilege and a responsibility to deliver it correctly. God still speaks through it. Mt 20:1-34. A 'package tour' in one chapter; so much happening in such a short time. The preacher's 'Magic Hammer' was playing up, but eventually came up with some 'F' words. FAIRNESS - Agricultural work is seasonal. Lots of workers required at certain times. The owner was offering acceptable labourers rates. Our previous currency was known as '£SD' (Librae, Sestercius/Serterces or Solidi, and Denarii). He needed more hands to get the harvest in so went back to the market. Then came the end of the day... "It's not fair", they moaned. Just like the cartoon Calimero, "It's an injustice" or the song by Jilted John, 'Gordon is a moron', "It's not fair". They received what they agreed. Fairness doesn't always mean what we think it should. Paul explains to the Romans, we are all sinners (3:23), our 'wages' is death (6:23). God is generous, loving, forgiving: so much more than fair. He gives far more than we deserve, He is not fair. FORECAST - Jesus' proclamation confused the disciples. Jesus's death was unthinkable and the resurrection was unfathomable. We make a choice whether we believe a prediction or not. We evaluate the forecaster. Only Jesus could speak about it with certainty. He was willing to pay the price, to be more than fair. FAVOUR - Mrs Zebedee, doesn't really know what she is asking. Seating arrangements are significant. She wanted privilege for her sons. More than what was fair. With great power comes great responsibility. Are they prepared to pay the same price as Him? They didn't fully understand. FOLLOW - A healing was common place in Jesus ministry. Two occasions involved unnamed, blind men. They heard the commotion and cried out. At times we can feel too small or unimportant. No one is too unimportant to Jesus. He listened. He had compassion. He healed. They followed Him. They had received more than fairness. They received grace, compassion and love. In the film 'Sister Act', Whoopi Goldberg sings, "I will follow Him". We would do well to follow their example and follow Jesus.


25/6 David Purves Col 3:1-17   Alive in Christ. Click to ↠ watch

  KCF leading worship @ CGBC. Holy Spirit presence is a breakthrough and the first fruit of Heaven coming on us. God is generous with it. It is freedom in Christ, not regulations. Living by the Spirit, Gal 5. Learn to live by the Spirit and put to death the flesh. Set your heart on things above. Seek them, think on them. The Jesus Movement of young people led to the formation of the Vineyard church. They were looking for peace and found it in Jesus. Earthly things can be distractions, especially if they are many or significant. Don't focus on them. Focus on things above. Where will God bring that blessing today? Set yourself in God's Kingdom and how you can bring God's love to many. We must repent and seek His way. Crucify the old things, Gal 5:24. The Kingdom is breaking into our lives. Rid yourself of old thinking and wallowing in sin. Clear out old stuff to make room for good things. The ways of flesh contrast with the fruit of Spirit. Clothe yourself, put on His garments. Keep putting on His clothes. Let Him clean us up and transform us. IN CS Lewis Tales of Narnia, greedy Eustace steals the dragons treasure. Aslan transforms him from being a dragon and sets him free. We must actively yield and receive from God. Choose to do the heavenly things and to allow them to change us. Call out for more. Develop a lifestyle that encourages this. Sing spiritually. Come into the place of His presence. Bring words, songs, blessing and encouragement. Have a right attitude. Do it all to honour Jesus. He is alive, He is here.

18/6 Jamie Mackintosh Ps 88:1-10   Righteousness in God

  A gloomy song. A reflection of life. It can help us in times of trial. There are many forms of darkness, physical and mental. It can feel like it's never too far away. How can we send it away. There is hope in the God who saves. God is sovereign. He brings a new day. When we feel burdened, know God exists, Jesus gave himself for us. The truth is we have a saviour. Rom 5:1-8, is our justification. When we are on trial, Moses is a witness to show we have broken the law. Satan, another witness, lists all our sin. Jesus walks up to the judge and says, "Dad, the death penalty has been paid. Not guilty.". We are declared right with God. Pray, seek fellowship and encouragement. Go to the Word. Access it in whatever way you can. Awk yourself, "What can we do for each other?". Faith, Hope and Charity. Christ has no body but yours, pour His grace out to others. Jesus gave disciples authority over spirits. We have Holy Spirit living us. We can do this at home, or around the world. We can always have hope. Suffering builds character that keeps us going. Life brings feelings of angst. Comfort and support each other at all times. Ignore, despite Kierkegaard's philosophy - damned if you do, damned if you don't… Hold on to your faith. The Stand, Joel Houston: Walk upon Salvation. The Shining blessings (Num 6:24-26).

11/6 Iain Sutherland Phil 3:1-4:1   Rejoice in God

  Ffald-y-Brenin morning prayer. Decide to walk slowly and deeply with God in all the minutes and hours of this day. Choose to find all that is in it, sense His presence in each moment and be more present to Him. Phil 3, how can we rejoice? Look to v12, take hold of what is for me. Seek the value in small things, develop 'atomic habits' (little changes can make a big difference). Create identity in Kingdom matters, put small things in place. Pressing in to the things of God is a process, not a goal. Put the 10 commandments on your doorpost of your house Deut 6:6-9; a reminder that God wants to bless you. Forget the flesh. Get rid of the flesh. Change the process of forgetting. Paul had all the credentials to be a proper Jew. He considered them poo. Don't allow worldly circumstances to dominate you. Listen to Bible in a year. Listen to God's word before the news. God looks for internal change rather than external. God wants holiness. Paul keeps going despite his past. Look straight ahead. Let the past go, press on. Focus on facts. Habit stacking (adding lots of little enhancements) can bring greater benefits, e.g. walking + podcast. Also the view and rhythm of Cave, Table and Road. The Trequetra is a Celtic symbol of the Trinity and was a sign of a monastic way of life. St Patrick's Breastplate, put on the armour. Ffald-y-Brenin prayer. Press on to take hold of. Rhythm of prayer is good. Three times a day. LHOP Caleb questions. Press in, who can you bless, pray for, care for today. Waymarks. Cuthbert way in Sept 23. Poles to guide pilgrims. We are citizens of heaven. Jesus is our passport. We need the cross. Imitate Jesus. Lorica (armour) prayers. What is it for you?

4/6 Caitlin Burdis Gen 15:8-11   God Rescues

  Blythswood, LBC, Markinch, Uni. Shoebox appeal. Gen 15 God's promise to Abram. v8-11. LBC prayer week. An agreement, people round table, all sign the book. Covenant was walking through the carcasses. God promises to die to rescue us. God wants us to know how much He loves us. Humanitarian aid. 1966 tract society. Bibles, books, homeless shelter. 1970 moved from Glasgow to Wester Ross. Jackie Ross minister. Poland relief 1984. 1990 Romania. 5 trucks with aid. Blythswood Care. 1993 Nelson Mandela, shoe box appeal. Still needed. 2022 89,000 shoeboxes. Practical items. Socks, mug, wind-up torch and Bible based item in every box. Ukraine established connections. A place of safety at Bethany Church. India Mumbai, 9.9 million people. Cornerstone project. Support for victims and children..


28/5 Heather Sutherland Joel 2:28-29   Day of the Lord

  Acts 1:1-11, 2:1-13,17,18. Holy Spirit will be poured out on everyone

21/5 Jill Walker Ezek 37:1-14   Chaos to Order

  In the beginning in Gen 1:2 there was chaos. Many of us experienced chaos in lockdown. Ez 37 also starts in chaos, but then desribes Holy Spirit bringing order. We focus on the work of Holy Spirit in this passage. Ezekiel was placed in the midst of this chaos. There are lots of valleys and battles in the OT. Ezekiel didn't have the power and was hopeless. The 'Ruach', breath of God is the power to change things. God comes close and draws Ezekiel to Himself. With Holy Spirit things come alive. Gen 2:7 is an account of one way things come to life. It points to new creation. We are new creations in Christ. Holy Spirit brings things back from the brink. God speaks first; Ezekiel then speaks God's words and joins in with what God is saying and prophecies to the dry bones. Holy Spirit inspires us to speak, He causes things to move. He is moving and fluid. He brings transformation: a new heart Ez 36:26. The power that raised Jesus is in us! Holy Spirit is unpredictable. He connects us and mediates God's purposes to us. God gets hold of us and intentionally places us in situations and locations. Look around where you are and ask what needs brought to life. The valley can be challenging, but could be our assignment. We don't see as the world sees. God sees potential all around us. Ask for revelation of His purposes. What in my life is dormant or decaying? A ministry or passion? A drive to intercession. Holy Spirit nudges us and brings us together. Speak out, prophecy the things God says about people and situations. Speak life, peace and hope. Cause movement. Be obedient to His commands. Come together: where do we need reconciliation? Pray and prophecy for unity in inter-church situations and within the church. Pray for God's plans and teams to make them reality. We may require healing and wholeness. Ezekiel prophecied to the breath, we pray come Holy Spirit. Keep in step with God and be filled with Holy Spirit.
God has been moving Jill and others to set up prayer networks. Glenrothes came to her mind and He gave her a vision of Fife. (Most of Fife can be seen from the top of E Lomond.) It was like a Radar screen showing activity all around. Raise up groups of pray-ers. Ignite holy fires.

14/5 George Carratt Gen 1:1-2:3   Sabbath Rest

  Excerpts from Sabbath Study Notes published by Bible Project.
Blessing Blessing occurs several times in the book of Genesis. In the first occurence, God blessed the creatures and the humans on days five and six, which meant “being fruitful and multiplying and filling the land.” By analogy, the blessing on the Sabbath would also involve a kind of fruitfulness, multiplying, and filling that is appropriate to a period of time. The idea is that the Sabbath would become many as it’s observed and experienced by others. Set apart from all other days, the blessing of the seventh day establishes the seventh part of created time as a day when God grants his presence in the created world. It is then his presence that provides the blessing and the sanctification. The seventh day is blessed and established as the part of time that assures fruitfulness, future-orientation, continuity, and permanence for every aspect of life within the dimension of time. The seventh day is blessed by God’s presence for the sake of the created world, for all nature, and for all living beings. Mathilde Frey, The Sabbath in the Pentateuch, 45
Scholarly Reflections on the Culmination of Time in Genesis 1 Unlike the previous days, the seventh day is simply announced. There is no mention of evening or morning, no mention of a beginning or ending. The suggestion is that the primordial seventh day exists in perpetuity, a sacred day that cannot be abrogated by the limitations common to the rest of the created order. Samuel Balentine, The Torah's Vision of Worship, 92
The seventh-day account does not end with the expected formula, “There was evening and morning,” that concluded days one through six. Breaking the pattern in this way emphasizes the uniqueness of the seventh day and opens the door to an eschatological interpretation. Literarily, the sun has not yet set on God’s Sabbath. Richard H. Lowery, Sabbath and Jubilee, 90
The Sabbath is that point in time where God and man meet. On the seventh day of creation, God joined himself and his eternal presence to his temporal creation, to the world of man. On the Sabbath day, man not only recalls but participates in an act of cosmic creation … he experiences the original structuring of time within the microcosm of his own life … The observance of the Sabbath links humanity to a divinely ordained future, as well as a divinely created past. Sabbath observance has cosmic implications … a foretaste of an eschatological future …a prefiguration of the final phase of the divine/human reconciliation. In pointing back to the beginning, the Sabbath also points to what is yet to be, to the final destiny to which all creation is moving. Bernard Och, Creation and Redemption:Towards a Theology of Creation, 240
With regard to the lack of the final formula, “there was evening and there was morning,” commentators have argued that the seventh day is not meant to be understood as a literal day. This argumentation then has led to an eschatological interpretation of the seventh day. However, as part of the first creation account, the seventh day is the last of the seven sections, and the formula “there was evening and there was morning” in the account of the weekdays may be taken not only as a closing formula but also as a literary feature to anticipate what comes next within the series of sections in the creation account, that is the next day of the creation week. Functioning as a transition from one day to another the closing formula is a feature that moves the text forward throughout the six weekdays with the intention to arrive at the seventh day. Once it arrives at the last section, the text highlights the identification of the seventh day by stating it three times and then has no more need for the formula because there is no eighth section following for an eight day. Creation has come to an end, for the seventh day has arrived. Mathilde Frey, The Sabbath in the Pentateuch, 38

7/5 Harry Sprange Gen 22:1-14   Communion

  Gen 22:1-14 one of the hardest passage to explain. Child sacrifice was forbidden, the Canaanites were to be eradicated because they practised this. The key is v1, “God tested Abraham”. Would Abraham give up everything? This is cited as one of the earliest prophecies of Jesus death. It also shows that God is a giver. He gives. It is one of his main characteristics. Gal 4:4 tells how God sent (gave up) Jesus. God supplies what God demands. Be careful when saying Jesus is our example. We must not imitate or copy him, but let Holy Spirit change us to be like Him. Paradidomi is the Greek word for giving over or delivering up completely. Rom 4:25 handed over; 8:32 gave him up. Mark uses it a lot, specifically at the arrest of John the Baptist and when Jesus was given up and delivered. It can mean ‘abandoned' Rom 1:24 for those in idolatry: also in Acts 7:42 God turned away from them. He handed them over. God gave us His greatest gift and, we should respond. Lev 8:21 instructs them to sacrifice the whole burnt offering at Aaron’s ordination. Normally you shared the sacrifice with God and the priest, but this one is totally given to God. Passover is where the the exodus is remembered, but this is more like the peace offering. We must realise Jesus volunteered to give up his life. 1 Tim 2:6, “who gave himself”. Jesus gave himself to make us holy, Eph 5:2, 22-24. Heb 9.26 He has done away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Gal 2:20. He gave up his life: himself for others. On the cross he knew his work was done. Consecration is the offering of ourselves, to be set apart for Him. Jeremiah (1:5) and Aaron (Ex 28:3) were consecrated. Jn 17:17, Jesus prays that the Father sanctifies us with the truth. Hagios a most holy thing, or saint. Our calling is to be set apart for God. Rom 12:1 our bodies are to be as living sacrifices. Was Jesus abandoned on cross? God did not forsake the Son! Ps 22:1 David feels like God has left him, but He did not turn His face away! When Jesus was dying, it was very difficult to speak, perhaps they did not hear him recite the rest of this psalm. He was totally given over for the task as an offering but not for rejection. As God sent Jesus, He sends us: He also gives us. Paul concludes the first letter to the Thessalonians (5:23), God of peace sanctify you through and through.


30/4 Andrea Mill Mt 4:12-17   The Kingdom of God

  On 6th May we get a new king. As believers we don't really need a king, yet God appoints them over us. How do we define the Kingdom of God? Jesus didn't define it, but He showed us what it was like. He taught it in parables. It is described throughout the OT. Gen 1:26-27 God created us to rule. He designed us to work in partnership; Adam named the animals. Adam & Eve had an intimate relationship with God. There was one rule - don't eat from that tree. The serpent deceived them. The relationship became difficult. Gen 6:6 God was grieved. He sent the flood, but preserved Noah and made the rainbow. Abraham waspromised to be a great nation, to be a blessing to all peoples. The nation of Israel was chosen to bless the world. The 12 sons of Jacob and the move to Egypt were all part of God's plan. The famines drove them there where they lived for 400 yrs. This was all prophesied to Abraham. It was all for a purpose. Moses: was destined to die, but he was redeemed. He began ministry much later in life. God gave the law to Moses. The Israelites were to be a good example to all nations. Ex 19:5-6 they were commanded to keep the covenant, to be a kingdom of priest and a holy nation. Only the Levites were professional priests. All the people are to listen to God and be obedient. Ps 114 the land of Judah was His kingdom. A series of judges led the people. Then they looked at peoples round about and demanded a king (1 Sam 8:1-9). They reaped the consequences. David saw God as his king. God knew David's heart despite his actions. The Isrealites were ruled by Persians, Greeks and Romans. God's kingdom was coming through Jesus. The people were expecting a Messiah, but not one like Jesus. He proclaimed the Kingdom of God. It is like a mustard seed Mt 13:31 = plant the seed and watch it grow. He showed the power of the Kingdom. In Lk 9 He gave this power to disciples and commissioned them to bring the Kingdom. In Lk 10 Jesus sent out the 72 to do same. We continue the line of priests within the new covenant. Mt 28:18-20 Jesus has all the authority: He sends us to go to all nations to obey Him. Love God and your neighbour. Holy Spirit gives us this power. Witness to the Kingdom. Release it to everyone now. We all have something to give. Shine and speak to people. Be continually filled with Holy Spirit. This is our calling.

23/4 Alan Milnes Mt 5:1-20   Law, Legend, Love

  SBLPA have started a monthly prayer meeting with a view to encouraging and supporting one another. Mt 5:1-20 is Jesus Sermon on mount. He speaks of 'The Law' and the Prophets and how He did not come to abolish them, v17. In addition to God's laws, the Pharisees had thousands of additional rules, but Jesus warns them about this. Mk 7:7 Jesus is discussing the Pharisees' practices and rituals. Their hand washing was just a show-off display without any real regard or repsect. They took a legitimate offering to God and diverted it to their own funds perverting the law. Corban means dedicated to God. Ritual without reality and relationship with God is futile. The Westminster Confession of faith referes to the law as moral, ceremonial, judicial, civil and ecclesiastical. The law is fulfilled in Christ, yet is still binding and requiring respect for God. The Scottish Methodist Synod recently reported 1600 members. They are a very structured organisation and recognise that routes of communication are important. Started by the Wesley brothers, they are still seeking holiness. They ask the question, "Do we expect to be made perfect in love?" Can we exceed the righteousness of Pharisees? After considering the Law, we look at The Legend. Not so much a fantasy, more a story significant to a people. An amazing recollection. Many accounts from the OT prophets… Ezek 37:24-28 tells of David the king, dwelling with God forever. Hos 11:1, Mt 2:15 prophecy of the flight to Egypt. Isa 7:14 God will give a sign, the virgin will give birth. Isa 9:1-6, no gloom for her: the government on his shoulder. There were so many prophecies about the coming of Jesus. For most, the way Jesus fulfilled them was very different from human expectations. He did not come to a Palace, but a stable. What do The Law and The Prophets mean for us. Mt 22:34-40. Love is our response to the Law and the Legend. Jer 29:5-7 build houses and settle down; like Israel, the Church in Scotland is called to increase and seek the peace and prosperity of your city. Serve in love. LBC phase 1 building complete, with snagging. Cooking group started again, conversations are great. Be a people who seek inward and outward holiness, justice and grace as taught by John Wesley.

16/4 Michael Palmer Heb 3:7 - 4:16   Sabbath Rest

  (Summary from previous message) Keep praying and pressing in. Your faith will grow through this. Be like Jacob, Gen 32:24-30, don't let go. God is not overpowered, but gives in to persistence. Jas 5:17 Elijah prayed earnestly and proved God's purpose is to be merciful. Wrestle with Him, even when we are humbled (Jacob's hip was dislocated).
God has done it again: in the opening worship He revealed the theme of today's message. The Sabbath rest (and times of darkness and times of wilderness) is to experience and enjoy God. Jesus died to restore us to this. In Genesis there is no record of the end of the seventh day! Heb 3:7 - 4:16 is an exposition of Ps 95 which was written by David. The writer of Hebrews recognises the words were given by Holy Spirit. In the desert, for 40 years, they rebelled and suffered judgment. The rest for the Hebrews was the promised land. David wrote hundreds of years later, yet calls it today. Joshua didn't give them it. Moses and all who disobeyed God didn't enter it. Verses 7-11 is a warning to take care: don't fall away. There are two responses, 1) overly afraid and insecure or 2) not take it seriously at all. This is not about sin which is followed by repentance. This is concerning continuing, wilful disobedience denying that sin exists in your life. Deceitful sin can tempt us because it looks good and this leads to a hard heart. There is a way of escape - to exhort one another. Meet together to have your heart softened, to be exhorted. 2 Cor 13:5 test yourself to see if you are in the faith. Aim for restoration. God won't let us go easily. We don't need to fear repentance, the wilderness or darkness. Fear of God is respect for Him. Good news came to them in the wilderness. Listen is the translation of "shema" - listen and obey (take action). v3 God's rest continues. David speaks of the rest being entered today. It is for everyone. Entering God's rest is resting from our ways and disbelief. Let God work. Make every effort to find the rest. The effort to follow His way is worth it. His Word does it's work, speaks to us, pierces our heart, protects us. Walk in His ways, repent when you fail. We have a high priest, who has experienced all we face. Jesus understands our weaknesses. Let your heart be soft. This is living in His rest. Living in relationship with Him. At peace with Him. Take care you don't leave this rest. Exhort, fear God, read the Word.

9/4 Jamie Mackintosh Mt 28:1-10   The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Gospel Truth

  The four gospels in the NT are separate eye witness accounts, written in different styles, for different audiences. The first three are similar (Synoptic gospels) with John's being a bit different. Although written at different times, all three correlate the events and their sequence. Luke adds more detail for his readership. On that first Easter morning, the Sabbath was finished, so no laws were broken by the women. The Jewish custom was to mourn for three days. The women wanted to be with Jesus. Others may have been with them as some writers traditionally only name some of those who were in a larger crowd. The earthquake is symbolic at Jesus' death and resurrection. The stone is rolled away, not to let Jesus out, but to let us in, to let light into the darkness. We shouldn't be surprised at the presence of the angel; angels were at his birth and his temptation. God sends them to minister to us too. God has a reliable care package for us. The white attire of the angel, just like Jesus appearance at the transfiguration (Mt 17:2), symbolises purity and heavenly presence. His message was, "Come see", "Go tell". We are invited to view the tomb, the work of God, to see the victory of life over death. The command to 'Go!' implies action, with no diversions. We are to tell the life-changing message of the good news of Christ. No need to be a theologian, just tell your story. We are not required to understand everything, just to convey the love and devotion of God for us. This proclamation was made to women, despite the societal norms at the time. Jesus puts the men in their place for their failings. Lk 24:12, Peter runs to the tomb and wonders what happened. Mark Twain wrote, “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”. Many theories and postulations were invented to explain these events. None are feasible, many are nonsensical or contradictory. Only the three uncollaborated accounts of these apostles hold up. “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”, Mark Twain. This message concludes with the gospel truth. This is what we believe - 'Apostles creed'.

2/4 Mark Laing Lk 19:28-44   Not What We Expected

  Palm Sunday events were not what the people were expecting. We may have experienced a holiday where things were not what we expected. Jesus' entry was not what the Jews expected. Consider the response of Crowd, the Disciples, the Pharisees. The coming king, signified by a peaceful entry on a donkey, was a fulfilment of prophecy. A visual aid to the disciples. OT Prophets often acted out their prophecies. Ezekiel ate his words on the scroll, made a clay model of the city and it's fall. Isaiah went naked and Jeremiah didn't wash for days. Jesus action was planned. "The Lord needs it" was a password to the owners to allow the animal to be taken. It was a courageous act, there was a price on his head. Lk 9:22 Son of Man must suffer, be reject and killed. His journey was deliberate. Zech 9:9 King comes lowly riding a donkey. It was a sign of peace. He redefines what it is to he king. He appeals to the people. Sometimes people's hopes and expectations are unrealistic and require to be 'managed'. Jesus is showing them who He really is. Jesus responds to the disciples by teaching them to serve. Praise can be cheap; the crowd turned against Him. Are we so fickle? Some may have got used to 'lock-down' church. It's not possible to be a virtual Christian. There is much spiritual lethargy. Change comes through God's grace reigniting our desire. Our knowledge of Christ is contingent on not knowing all the answers. Holy Spirit will guide us in what is to come. Christianity is not just knowledge, but obedience and commitment. The Pharisees view of God is obscured by their philosophy. Like a 'Magic Eye' picture that hides a 3-D image. For people who get cataract operations, there is a wonderful moment when the bandages are removed. Spiritual blindness is great in the religious leaders. They don't recognise God, or true peace. Jesus parables were told to get a response. God allowed them to continue in their darkness. Today people bend truth to fit their agendas. Putin's advisors are afraid to tell him the truth. Spiritual truth is revealed by grace. The god of this age blinds people. Cataracts don't get better by themselves, they need intervention. Hardness of heart needs attention. Verse 42, if you had known what would bring you peace… Jesus gives us an opportunity and an invitation…


26/3 Paul Younger Ps 40:1-17   Waiting Patiently

  The message for this morning was not obvious till Saturday. Ps 40:1-17. We start to learn from the moment we are born. It's a bright, new, noisy world and we must learn to breathe and respond to what is around us. We start to recognise Mum and Dad, then we learn to let them know our needs. Life teaches us we must wait for some things. Crying louder doesn't always work. We often ask, "are we there yet?". How many days till Christmas/whatever? Waiting for exam results is not easy. Farmers learn to wait till their seeds are ready for harvest. Runners learn to be ready for the gun - by waiting. Years of training can be lost by not waiting till the right moment. King David wasn't exempt from waiting. He ordered Bathsheba to come immediately, but it was a while before she was his wife. Charles III waited till he was 73 to become king. David may be the greatest king, but we have a warts and all account of his life. David's cry was learned from experience. David was very active, but there were times he had to wait. U2 wrote the song 40 based on this Psalm. David waits patiently. We can't change the waiting, we can only change how we wait. Two people can wait very differently for the same thing. One state of mind is healthier. Waiting rooms are aptly named. Not all patients are patient. When we have to wait, we must choose if it will be a pleasant experience. Make sure you are waiting for the right one or the right thing. Wait for God to reveal His will. The characters in Sam Beckett's play are still "Waiting for Godot". He never comes. Contrary to Beckett's musings, God is real and is worth waiting for. Don't wait for someone else. In a tricky situation we can act like David and seize the first answer. It may not be the right one. Foreigner were "Waiting for a Girl like you". We should certinly wait for a God like the Almighty. Before acting, it is wise to check the answer with Scripture and trusted advisors. Beware Satan can distort Scripture. It is easy to fall for the wrong answer. Good things come to those who wait. God answered David's patience, we have the same God today.

19/3 Harry Sprange Heb 11:6   When Prayer Doesn't Work

  We saw previously that God is ready to hear and grant our request and that the Christian life is not passive, but active. Now we consider a tricky question relating to some situations, "Why is prayer not working?". [1] It's not always the case, but always worth checking, is there any sin? Ps 66:18-20. Clean hands and a pure heart will receive blessing. James warns us against selfish motives 4:3. [2] Recognise the fault could be in recipient due to lack of faith. Mt 13:58, there were few miracles in Nazareth due to their lack of faith. Jesus is unable to help where He is not welcome, Lk 10:10-16 (sending of the 72). Kingdom of God is near, but you can't pray for those who don't want it. James 1:6 we must ask and believe or we won't be blessed. Heb 11:6 belief in God and his goodness is necessary to receive the rewards of those who seek. The prevailing Scot's attitude of unworthiness limits what we receive. Too may think "God couldn't do it for me.". This stops God working. The low self image is the barrier. [3] Refusal of the recipient to accept God's blessing. Their human agenda was more important than His will. Sometimes we don't need healing we need a miracle. This could require a change in lifestyle. Beggars who lived off donations had to start earning their living after they were healed [4] Our disobedience to God's command can be a factor. Smith Wigglesworth warns us not to miss what God is doing, Don't look at the natural or try to help, when God commands you to speak to a situation. When we fail to do exactly what God says, there is no answer. We must not pray when God says we should command. [5] Failing to understand the spiritual world. People ask, "Why isn't X saved, I've been praying for years?". It could be that we don't understand the battle. Col 3:1,2 and Eph 2:2. 2 Cor 4:4 warns of being blinded by the god of this age; Rom 6:16 slaves to sin or obedience. Neil Anderson, the strong man must be bound, Mt 12:29. We must overpower the captor, break the authority to set the captive free. Prayer is us joining God in His ministry. Satan will hold on till we demand release. Understand the demonic effect on people's lives. How can the prisoners be free? Understand the authority to set them free. God so loved the world - He died for everyone, 1 Tim 2:4. 2 Pet 3:9, when Jesus returns that is the last opportunity for salvation, He is waiting for many to come. Rom 5:6 Jesus died for the ungodly - while we were still sinners. Jesus died for sinners, not Christians.

12/3 Jamie Mackintosh Eph 1:3-6   Who am I?

  This message follows on from the worship time where we were singing of a desire to honour God. There is a U2 song, "Still haven't found what I'm looking for". Tap /click to listen. Although this popular song is about a desire for worldly things, we can overlook the extent of Christian witness all around us. Today's questions is, "Who am I?" and is seen in the context of ourselves (physical, human individuals) and our standing in Christ. Gen 2:15-17, 3:1-7 is an account of God creating the cosmos: it is good. Man is inherently good, both Adam and Eve. We were and still can be good. We still have a longing inside us, even though mankind has created a mess. Despite the specific details of how we were created, there are various 'spectrum' views which distract us from the truth. We are tossed around without an anchor or a sail. We forget the basics - we have an anchor that keeps the soul. We must cry out and when we do, Jesus is there. Mt 8:25,6. He is the water of life to the thirsty, Jn 7:38. There is so much we cannot control. Sin came through Adam and Eve and we all have the consequences of that, however, we have the Gift of God - eternal life. We were separated and, in musical terms, dissonance has occured. Our true need is God. Our desires are non-essential. We need to be with God. This will be fulfilled in eternity. Essentials are food, water, protection, family. God created us for commune & fellowship. Love God first, love neighbour as yourself are the two great commandments. We had this in Eden. Mankind endures the consequence of the fall. We hide and skulk in darkness. In the garden God provided for the needs of all He created. We create things more for excess than necessity. We struggle to deal with the 'knowledge' we gained. We need a raison d'être and we find it in Eph 1:3-6. The meekest and smallest of us can have the biggest Kingdom effect. A Sunday school teacher felt unimportant not being out on the 'mission field'. She had played her part preparing many of her pupils for mission and service. We worry what others think of us. The anxiety stops us from seeing the answer. Our connection to God is intrinsic to our being. Cry out to God. Walk with Him. Live his holy way. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, although everything was taken from him, was confident of who he was in God as we see in the conclusion of his peom Who am I? My desire is to honour you, I give you my heart...

5/3 Michael Palmer Luke 11:1-13   Teach us to pray

  Tap/Click to watch Video on YouTube


26/2 Paul Younger Matt 12:1-15, 22-28, 36-39   Lord of the Sabbath

  The preacher's 'magic' hammer, didn't appear to be working on this passage. The favourite approach doesn't always work. Here is an example of the conundrum that has confused philosophers for years, 'The irresistible force paradox'. (What happens when an irresistable force meets an immovable object?). It's like the story of the weapons dealer selling a sword that can pierce any armour or any shield. He also has a shield that is impenetrable... The result here is the irresistible force moves the object. The Pharisees are the object, Jesus and his disciples are the force. The Pharisees were the keepers and administrators of the Law and the 10 commandments. They had volumes of interpretation of each law. They decided what was permissible. They were the expert witnesses. The Jewish law underpinned the whole of society. These lawyers were very important people in their culture. They were accustomed to being obeyed. Now, a threat to their status has appeared. He challenges their authority. The Pharisees pointed out everyone's errors. They were 'jobsworths'. They expected Jesus to cow-tow. Instead He argued with them. Normally, nobody dared challenge them. Jesus defied them and healed all the sick. The people get excited at these miracles. He didn't accept the limitations imposed by the Pharisees. In the stand-off the disciples were intent on building the Kingdom, the Pharisees were hoping they would be rebuked and turn around. Battle lines were drawn in a confrontation over grain, healing and authority and leads to them plotting to kill Him. They demand a sign, but Jesus rebukes them. If a sheep's life is in danger it can be rescued, even on the Sabbath. Jesus understands the essence of the law that the Pharisees are simply following blindly. The Pharisees will be judged and found lacking. They have become blind to the law they study. They can't see God is doing something new. They resist the very move of God they were anticipating. They collide. Both can't exist - irresistible force and immovable object. We can learn from their mistake and choose to go with Jesus.

19/2 Other Notes Ezek 36:29-38   Release The Promise

  Are we intimidated by 1 Thes 5:17 which instructs us to pray continually? Luke 18:1 also tells us to never give up. Acts 1:14 encourages us to follow the disciples' example and continually meet for prayer. Paul urges the Galatians and Thessalonians - don't grow weary (Gal 6:9, 2 Thes 3:13), pray for us Heb 13:18.
Why do we give up, why do we need to keep going, how do we keep going? Ezek 36:29-36 is a promise from God, a prophecy of the restoration of Israel. The prophet is still required to ask for it to come to pass vv37-38. God waits till we ask, then promises to answer. Dan 9:2-6 he reads the prophecy then prays for it to happen. When we pray for something, we can know it's God's will if it's in Scripture. 1 Jn 5:14,15 we can know this, we can claim this. Isa 62:1, the prophet cries out for the vindication, then (6-9), they return to Israel. They post watchmen on walls to look out for the city. Are we today's watchmen looking out over the landscape? God calls us to pray into being what He has promised to do. The corollary is this - if we don't pray, He won't act. We are taught to pray 'Your Kingdom come', which is promised, but we still must pray for it. 2 Pet 3:12 we hasten the day of the Lord, by praying in His will, He is coming soon Rev 22:12,20; 1 Cor 16:22b Lord come, marana tha. We must keep praying and asking. God's plea to Jeremiah 33:3 is that all should call and He will answer you (you singular, a task for every individual). The Christian life is not passive. It is active. We are appointed to rule over earth. We pray the prophecies and the things God told us: we release them. Eph 6:18-20 pray at all times, for everyone, everywhere. Stand: use the spiritual weapons 2 Cor 10:3-5. It's a battle, that's why we get weary. 1 Jn 5:14 speaks of the confidence we have, based on truth about God. He hears us. It shall happen in His time.

5/2 Richard Hobson Lk 2:9-20   In Christ, Beyond Time

  We still don't fully understand the value and benefit of the cross. We are to view ourselves as 'in Christ'. We would find it hard to write a one sentence summary of our life. Are we our fb profile? Can you write your own obituary? Obituaries tend to be more positive than other accounts of a person's life when they were alive. Earthly accounts begin at birth and end at death. Jesus is more than his life between birth and death on earth. He was born here, but has always existed. There is no moment when he didn't exist.
What do we know of Him outside of earthly time? Jn 1:1-5, He was there at creation. He is God, light, life. Jn 8:58 before Abraham was born, "I AM" - a term for God. 1 Pet 1:20,21 for our sake, He was chosen to pay the price for us before creation. Phil 2:6,7. Before Jesus was born, he existed. He is God. He is more than the man Jesus who walked on earth. Who is Jesus after his death and resurrection? Rom 8:34 He hasn't stopped saving us or praying for us. He is not having a lie down. Jn 14:1-3 He is preparing for us to come to Him. The price is paid, it is finished, but He is not finished. He is before, from the beginning and will be after the end. There is no point in time where He is not working. We forget what He is doing. We are to worship and celebrate all he did and is doing.
What is the extent of our existence? Eph 1:1-14: four times praise is mentioned: that is the only adequate response to Jesus' work. God is gracious, it takes our whole life to realise this. We are to recognise the grace He gives and to praise him and glorify him. It is how we're made. If we don't praise and worship Him, we are broken. Twice Paul mentions us before we were born - God chooses us. God knew our names. Our life doesn't begin at birth. Predestination is a big example of grace. This is where we began. We have been given our purpose. We are recipients of His blessings, called to holiness, adopted to his family, redeemed, forgiven, made rich, given an inheritance, sealed with the Holy Spirit. Remember these things in tough times. We were chosen for them. After death, v9,10, we will be with Jesus and v14, we have an inheritance to enjoy. Our time on earth is a breath. Our time now is just preparation for the main event that is still to come. Rev 19:1-10, we are the invited. 21:1-6. What is our obituary? Is it our achievements or God's plan in us? We must include these parts too. Rev 22:13, God is before our beginning, yet we are in Christ, so His eternal existence is our eternal existence and our significance. We must remind ourselves of these things when we wake up feeling stressed and burdened.


29/1 Andrea Mill Jn 12:20-36 AMP   The Grain of Wheat

  The Refuel team carry a vision of a caravan, a vehicle to spread God's love around the country equipping God's people. They want to release the Kingdom. Where is God taking us? Pray for revival to come. Jn 12:20-36 AMP. In Ch 11 Lazarus has died and been raised from death for God's glory on the 3rd day. Martha trusted Jesus' healing power. Jesus had resurrection power at this time, before his own death. Mary's act was prophetic. Crowds come to see Jesus and Lazarus. Jesus explains prophetically that his death is necessary. Wheat is just a grain until it is put in the ground and dies. Natural plants give us many benefits. Spiritually we are set free to become who He wants us to be. God sees us as righteous. His resurrection shows us that death is not the end. We can chose to live to satisfy ourselves, v25. v26 calls us to recklessly serve Him. We can follow Jesus, even into eternity and should be willing to serve at a moments notice. He has called each one of us. The old way has to go. Following Jesus is living life to please God. v27 He knew his purpose: He knew the cost. We must change to live His way, otherwise we miss out. We must let go the old way. This is how we let His light shine. Mary gave everything; her valuables, her reputation. Jesus spoke about Pentecost, when had to go so Holy Spirit could come. Service can be wonderful and it can be painful. Never lose your first love. The seed must die for new life to come. We are not expected to deny the feelings of loss that we experience. He guides and He comforts. Walking through the valley of the shadow of death builds our faith and trust in God. What needs to die in me? Ask God to reveal anything. Can I lay down that valuable possession, my dignity, whatever?

22/1 Hugh Henderson Romans 1   Truth Exposed

  The big meal 2022: 1000's of children were fed in 16 countries. Rwanda was the first Big Meal; 600 attended. Two villages in Ghana had been warring for 20 years. Mission International sat them all down together for a meal, now the war has ceased. Myanmar and Kenya had big meals on multiple sites. DRC is in a real mess; rebels are fighting the government over resources, Islamist radicals are blasting churches. In Malawi the floods have returned; crops and cattle have drowned and there is cholera. Ghana water project wells are progressing. Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is a war zone. Gangs are terrorising the police. Criminals have broken out of prison and are running the gangs. Bangladesh military are clearing villages of Arakan army who are fighting for indepedence. Everyone is being told to get out or be killed. Indian govt. Hindu extremists are eradicating Christians, burning churches and are hostile to everyone who is not Hindu.
Romans 1:1. Paul was set apart to proclaim the gospel as one who heard directly from God. Paul was directed to say what he did by Jesus. Apostles heard directly from God and were inspired to write His word, 2 Tim 3:16. NT apostles heard directly from God. The word came to them. Today, we come to the Word. Paul, who used to slaughter the church, is now serving God. God promised the gospel to us. Jesus was the Son of God. God showed great grace to Paul. Faith is obedience. We too are called to to belong to Jesus Christ. The believers in Rome would be in House Groups as no churches had been built yet. Reports were coming back that their faith was proclaimed around the world v8. Paul really wanted to go to Rome. Circumstances were against him. Paul has power and authority to impart spiritual gifts, v11. 1 Tim 4: Paul advises Timothy not to neglect the gift that was imparted to him. 2 Tim 1, kindle the gift received from the laying on of hands. Paul is coming to impart gifts; he is not coming for a slap-up party. Christian living was an anathema to Romans they considered it foolish to trust one who was crucified. Paul was looking for mutual encouragement from the believers in Rome, not just expecting to be encouraging them. Paul warns them, v13, to be aware, not stupid. Things don't always go our way, but it's not always the work of the devil. v14 Paul declares he has obligations to everyone and is eager to preach. v16 is Paul's motive and desire to tell the gospel to all. This is the truth, which we must believe. By faith we understand. This word has power for those who believe in God. Who do we say He is? Revelation comes from heaven. We preach the Word, but Holy Spirit brings conviction. We do not live by understanding, but by believing, v16. God reveals righteousness to those with faith v17. His wrath is revealed to the godless v18. It is not human wrath, it is always holy and justified. It is in His being. The wrath for us is taken by Jesus. This is illustrated in a story where huge hailstones destroy a farm, yet underneath one of the dead hens, her chicks were protected and still alive. When our opinions are different from God's, this is not good. Creation itself should convince us of God's nature and power, v20. The book of His works is nature. Look at what has been made. v21 - it is in worship that we declare our position on God. Futility reigns with the foolish, godless people. Daily we come to Him, we give thanks for His goodness. Even in the church there are some who believe these lies. They claim to be wise, they succumbed to idolatry, money, power, beauty, status. Liberals claim Jesus didn't say anything about homosexuality. v24 is the result of their foolishness. They live a lie v25. v24,v26 God gives them up. Since time of reformation the western world had been transformed by Christian values and examples. Now we are drifting back again. People act contrary to nature. Paul is speaking what Jesus told him. v28 God gave them up to a corrupt, debased mind; to murders, invented evil, etc. They are not ignorant of God's word. We are all sinners, but those with faith believe He can touch us and change us. Scotland is in state. Pray hard. We don't want God to give us up. We don't want pre-Roman depravity. Reports that Anne Gloag is trafficking children are not true, but a smear campaign.
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15/1 Michael Palmer Gen 1:1,2,24-2:3.   The meaning of life

  The meaning of life is beautiful and simple. Gen 1:1,2,24-2:3. Everything God made is good, not just the things created on day 6. We all have work to do. What will we do when the work is done? There is still work to do in eternity, but there will be rest to enjoy the work that was done. "Made in God's image" was a phrase used by kings to justify their way of exercising rule and authority. To say we are all made in His image is revolutionary. It is for everyone. Gen chapters 1 and 2 shows us the model of what life is meant to be: working in the garden, extending the garden. We read that after God's work He rested. How is God resting? He stops and enjoys the work He has completed. He indwells in it. Man's rest is only implicit here, although it is mentioned later. We find this in Exodus 20 in the 10 Commandments. When God rests from all of creation work, all the creation is meant to rest too (Heb 4:3). His design for us has three aspects.

  1. It is all about God. The Sabbath was made to allow the people of Israel to focus on God.
  2. We are also to join together and think about others.
  3. Creation is there to be enjoyed.

We should emulate the rest of God. Each day has an end, but there is no end to the Sabbath. It doesn't end, it is not a finite period. All creation is aiming for Sabbath. This is the meaning of life. We are supposed to enjoy it with Him and one another. This allows us to understand why we work; to do what the Kingdom needs. Sharing the good news, good works that show our love for one another. The rest is still there, Jesus brought it back. A common adage and observation from Genesis is that mankind rests then starts work. This is our foundation and basis. A weekly Sabbath as well as physical rest is about reviewing the Genesis rest and why we're here. Not just to fulfil the Law. It's looking forward for what Jesus achieved. It is also to remind us of the eternal Sabbath. Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for Sabbath" (Mk 2:27).

8/1 Alan Milnes 1 Cor 11:23-26   Communion

  History, for some of us, can be boring. French, which also requires good memory, can be just as challenging and just as irrelevant. For logical people there must be some reasoning for something to be memorable. However, history has a 'story' and sometimes it can be very interesting. A recent historical event pronounced our new King as divine ruler of the Church of England. We have a huge variety of denominatins and expressions of Church. Paul writes to the Church in Corinth, 1 Cor 11:23-26. Different churches have different names and practices for celebrating this: The Lord's supper, The Breaking of Bread, Eucharist, Mass and many others. Lots of them have evolved through Church history. The frequency also varies among the different groups. Leslie Baptist Church is almost 150 years old and was founded on Biblical princpiples of fellowship and doctrine including communion. There are three main perspectives to communion.

  1. Historical: looking back, recalling what Jesus did. Remember His sacrifice. The elements of bread and wine speak of the cost. The disciples shared this at the resurrection.
  2. The present: Jesus makes himself known through this sacrament. It is a holy rendezvous with Him. He ministers to our needs. It is commanded and ordained. The elements don't change (to become His actual body & blood) but they become a blessing us. Jesus is present.
  3. The future: the eschatological hope of Jesus return. We anticipate the wedding of the Lamb. His Kingdom is already here, although incomplete. We remember - until He comes.

He died to restore us to righteousness and to prepare us for the future with Him. We must prepare for participation in this holy feast.


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