KCF Notes 2024

Please note:
These are mainly my notes & thoughts from the messages spoken to KCF.

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Available notes/messages ⇒
7/1/24 - 4/2/24,
18/2/24 - 28/4/24,
12/5/24 - 22/9/24,
13/10/24 - 22/12/24

Last updated 22/12/24

Speaker Index
Andrea Mill28/4, 18/8, 17/11
David Bebbington18/2
Heather Sutherland25/2, 26/5, 4/8, 1/12
Hugh Henderson21/4, 27/10
Iain Sutherland28/1, 14/4, 16/6, 8/9, 22/12
Jamie Mackintosh14/1, 24/3, 19/5, 14/7, 25/8, 22/9, 15/12
Jill Walker21/1, 12/5, 1/9, 8/12
Mark Laing7/7
Nibin John4/2, 10/3, 31/3, 9/6, 28/7, 20/10, 3/11
Paul Younger3/3, 2/6, 21/7, 15/9
Other Notes17/3, 23/6, 13/10, 10/11
Richard Hobson7/1, 7/4, 11/8, 24/11
Richard Allison30/6
Theme Index
Advance The Gospel19/5
Animals & Angels9/6
Body of Christ26/5
Do not Judge17/11
Faithfulness & Fruitfulness1/9
Father's Day16/6
God is Good21/4
God's Name28/4
God's Victory25/8
Going for Gold18/8, 4/8
Gospel Joy14/1
Harvest & Thanksgiving13/10
In Tune25/2
King of the Jews24/3
Mining (Wisdom)18/2
Not by Might, by Holy Spirit30/6
Ponder & Treasure22/12
Prayer28/7, 3/11, 8/12
Prayer & Action14/7, 8/12
Pressing On4/8, 18/8
Provision, Protection, Perpetuity15/9
Question Doubts7/7
Seasons & Patterns8/9
Suffering Servant23/6
The 5 "R's"2/6
The Greatest22/9
The Light10/3
The Wicked & The Righteous7/4
Two Stones4/2
Weakness to Strength12/5
Witless, Weak or Wise3/3

22/12 Iain Sutherland Lk 1:26-38, Lk2:8-20   Ponder & Treasure

  "Why Jesus?", His birth raises lots of questions. How many wise men? When did they visit? Why was Jesus born? We read Lk 1:26-38, Lk2:8-20. Consider v19 Mary treasured; she pondered. To ponder = think, hold in mind. The Israelites knew the great leader was coming: how would he come? Treasured = hold onto truth, what is real, fact. What did Gabriel and the other angels say? The saviour is going to be born. Mary risked ridicule and rejection of family and community. In Jn 8:2-11, the woman caught in adultery was expected to be stoned to death. Stoning is horrific thing. The cost to Mary (having a baby outwith marriage) is high, yet she accepts God's will. Mary, did you know? Jesus would face many challenges and have many victories. Was there a thorn in the straw? Ponder what will be. Ponder and treasure. The visitors brought gifts for a king and a priest and for burial. What did this mean? How will He save us? The shepherd's message was a confirmation to Mary. This was a witness to her and Joseph. Lk 1:42-45 Elizabeth knew God was present. Lk 2:51 Mary pondered and treasured Jesus' wisdom and understanding. Mary found favour with God. Angels are messengers and deliver what they have been told. As we move into 2025 what do we ponder and treasure. Ps 77:11-12, the message. Lay out on the table all the things God has done, ponder everything He has done. What is next for us? Treasure what God has done, lay it on the table. Ponder what lies ahead. God is faithful. Focus more on what God wants to do. What is He singing over you?

15/12 Jamie Mackintosh Phil 4:4-7, Ps 98:4-7   Joy

  Phil 4:4-7 is an encouragement to rejoice. Ps 98:4-7 is an instruction to shout for joy. True joy is to live in Christ; to share in His victory. There is a much wider context to the prophetic words about Jesus' birth. We need to allow God to be our hope and encouragement. Let Him be our joy. Joy for all the earth, joy to all the world. Ps 98 is the inspiration for the song "Joy to the World", which is not specifically about the incarnation, but sung often around Christmas. It is a poem by an accomplished wordsmith, set to a tune by a musical genius. Phil 2:9,10 gives an image of how everyone will worship Jesus. A place where sins and sorrows are no more. Mk 13:7,8 warns of the conflicts of kingdom against kingdom. This world is broken. Jesus' victory is complete, Heb 10:12, He sat down. We know this day is coming. He rules the world. The nations will show God's glory. God doesn't share His glory. Why sing this at Christmas? Isaac Watts wrote this when only the Psalms were sung. They viewed the psalms as a pointer to NT times. However, 2 Tim 3:16 tells us that all Scripture inspired. It is made true by Holy Spirit. The Psalms are greater than all this. Rev 21:1-5 describes the Holy city where God dwells with man. He makes all things new. The song is a bridge between old and new. An opportunity to reflect on past and future. Our joy is in the knowledge of what is and what is to come. We will spend eternity with him. Share the good news.

8/12 Jill Walker Micah 2:13   Prayer

  In the context of having 'Prayer and Networking' as the main calling, we look at one of the names of Jesus: "The breaker" (Micah 2:13). It is a Holy Spirit anointing; for Jesus and for us. We can have the power to break through hindrance, bondage and captivity. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Isa 61:1. We do what He does. He is a waymaker. Moses breaks through the Red sea. What is standing in our way? Invite Jesus to come and open the door. What are our limitations? The enemy comes against us. There may be brick walls, stumbling blocks or mental blocks. Pray for breaking in of the Kingdom, breaking through or breaking out. 2 Sam 5:17 the Philistines heard about David's anointing. David asks God first, before he acts. Baal Perazim was a breakthrough for him. God is ready to explode the things that hold us back. What is in our way? We are the arrowhead that Jesus sends to pierce the opposition with our voices. How does God want to show His glory in a situation? David got a specific word. A bespoke word. God's word is effective, but listen for a keyword. The sheep hear the master's voice. Raise your voice. God's word breaks cedars. It created the heaven and earth. There is power in declaration. Speak to your town, county, nation. Watchmen are not silent when the enemy approaches. The 'Order of the Mustard Seed' commit to radical prayer. They promise to be true to Christ, kind to people and take the Gospel to nations. They aspired to speak out when He would, learn when to be silent or when to speak and praise (raise a hallelujah!). Speak the name of Jesus - Jericho fell at the loud voices. Do not be afraid . Be bold, like Paul in Acts. Prayers are arrows. Elisha told king Joash to fire arrows for victory in 2 King's 13:14. We must persist and shoot many prayers to take the ground. Lk 18:1-6, the widow's persistence brought her justice. Fill up the prayer bowls until they tip, Rev 5:8. What situation do you want God to break through on? A person's heart? A brick wall in your way or pressure holding you back? Raise your voice. How do we see Jesus as a breaker? Speak into places where Jesus isn't evident yet. Ask for the right prayer and strategy.

1/12 Heather Sutherland John 1:35-51   Multiplication

  We can learn from the legacy left by the saints that visited Lindisfarne: Aiden, Cuthbert and others. Brendan the navigator and 14 monks went to the Faroes, Greenland and Nova Scotia before Columbus! They left a legacy of the gospel going to new people. The native Americans had stories of God in their folklore, possibly due to Brendan. St Andrew's day was yesterday and we can also learn from his legacy. John 1:35-51 tells us that Andrew started following John the Baptist and listened and believed. John recognised Jesus and told Andrew and another disciple. Andrew was Jesus first disciple. Someone had pointed him to Jesus. He immediately wanted to be with Jesus wherever He went. He then went to get his brother Peter. Andrew recognised that Jesus was the Messiah before Peter declared it. He told people, "You need to see this!". He knew Jesus is the gift from heaven. Andrew wanted to share Jesus with everyone. In the crowd of 5,000, Andrew brought the boy with fish and bread to meet Jesus. Greek Jews gathered and Andrew took them to meet Jesus. This is his ministry, to share the greatest gift. Andrew went to Greece and possibly Romania. He died in Greece. Peter and Andrew didn't feel worthy of the same cross as Jesus. When Andrew was tied to the cross for 3 days, all he spoke of was Jesus. Andrew's cross is the sign for multiplication. Jesus found Andrew. Some have started opening the 'advent' doors. There are 24 chapters in Luke - read one every day and by Christmas Eve you will understand why Jesus came to earth. As Scot's, with Andrew as our patron saint, we can open the door for others to meet Jesus. Pray daily, 'God, who do you want me to bring to you today?' God doesn't add to our stress at Christmas. He wants us to share the gift with others. Philip, Nathaniel and Peter had different stories, but Andrew introduced them to Jesus. Grow His Kingdom. Spend time with Jesus. Be part of Andrew's legacy.


24/11 Richard Hobson Jn 13:32-35.   Disciples

  If we were alive in Jesus day, how would we recognise His disciples? They followed him and learned from him. When he left it was traumatic for them. It was a dramatic change for them. There has been 2000 years of a rocky history for the church. There have always been disciples. How do we identify who they are? Jn 13:32-35. What Jesus says is clear. Verse 34 love others, just as He loves us. What is love? Most music is about romantic love. There is also family love, friendship, married love and 'charity'; a strong, selfless, sacrificial love. Jesus had family and friends. He demonstrated charity towards the disciples and to all mankind through his death. Leaving heaven was a sacrifice for him: He did it for our sake. He ate, slept and looked after himself, but had no private life. We were designed to worship, it is good for us. His command is not just for his benefit. Giving up something valuable is sacrificial and inconvenient. We might be criticised or ridiculed. 1 Cor 13:4-8 applies for all aspects of love. Valuable love is costly. What is a good church? Is it good teaching, alive in Spirit, good fellowship? These alone are not sufficient. 1 Cor 12:27-31 not everyone has these gifts or abilities, but we should desire them. There is a way that is more 'way-like' v31. 1 Cor 13:1-3. Love each other sacrificially. Love is the container that church fits into. We are all called to love. Remember who we are and the sacrifice Jesus made for us. The church is the body of Christ and can only operate in His love. Jerome reports a story about the apostle John. He lived in Ephesus till he was very old. Disciples carried him to the synagogue. He only spoke the same words about love over and over. This was so important to him. The Lord's commandment to love is sufficient for life. This is how others will know we are His disciples.

17/11 Andrea Mill Matt 7:1-12   Do Not Judge

  Matt 7:1-12. The golden rule. The essence of the law. Sermon on the mount. Mt 5:17-20, don't misunderstand, Jesus did not abolish the law, He fulfilled it. Jesus shows us the law through the new covenant. Mt 22:37-40 summarises this. We are to live a righteous life as Jesus teaches. To love God is to obey His laws. Jesus' teaching is counter cultural. God knows us. The laws are to protect us: He knows the damage adultery can do. This is not blindly following rules. He also warns us 'Don't judge!'. 7 seconds is all it takes. We use our eyes first, then listen to their voice as we quickly decide how we respond to them. Refuse to be a critic. We all have prejudice, family norms and cultural norms, church traditions and ignorance of other customs. The Greek word to judge refers to behaviour and character. Only the woman caught was brought to Jesus, Jn 8:3. He knew their hearts and their deeds. Only God can judge, He knows our thoughts and intentions. Only when we know someone well do we have the right to speak into their situation. When we criticise, what is our motive? We should follow Jesus, not the Old Testament law. Comments on behaviour must be in relation to your own conduct. Are your pearls of wisdom appropriate? Be discerning. Proverbs advise us to correct a fool, but don't become like them. Examine yourself before God. There are times to correct someone and times not to. Listen to their story. We must keep a level of holiness in the church. Seek wisdom from above. Work out why someone may antagonise you. Be self-aware. Past sin can be a barrier on both sides. Ask God to show you. How would I like to be treated? We are called to build up one another. Be open to change. Do everything lovingly.

10/11 Harry Jude 21   Obedience

  Jude is a very hard to understand book in the New Testament. Jude 21. Keep yourself in God's love. How do we do this? Do we believe we are always there? Evangelicalism is weak on obedience. We fear a 'salvation by works' doctrine. There is no biblical faith without obedience. Jn 15:10 keep the commands. Ps 103:11 God's love is abundant for those who fear, v13,17. Can we do anything and get away with it? All Scripture is about relationship and obeying the law. NT tells us that Jesus has done everything required for salvation, but we must stay in relationship with Him. When you love someone, you do things to please and not hurt them. Scottish Theology is scared to please God. There's nothing we can do to earn love or salvation, however, we can please him. Paul writes to Tim to please his commanding officer. Love needs to be affirmed and reaffirmed. Spend quality time with Jesus. Ps 2 Kiss the Son. Don't give your best to anyone else. NT word for worship proskuneo, to move towards to kiss. Wedding service, with my body I worship you. Bodily involvement is important. Parents may feel they want to murder their children when they do wrong, but they are still loved. Their action affects the quality of the relationship. You can't stray out of God's love, but you can drift out to a place where you don't enjoy it. God's people renew the relationship and covenant in 2 Kg 23:1-3. King Josiah and all the people. We may need to consider renewing our baptismal vows. At communion we can renew our relationship. Ask yourself if you are still enjoying your relationship with God?

3/11 Nibin John Ps 86   Prayer

  Ps 86 a prayer of David, telling God of his needs. VV 1-7, why we pray to God when we cannot help ourselves. David is in trouble, he calls to God v7. He is under attack v14. Our needs should lead us to the feet of Jesus. We like to rely on ourself. David is a king with armies. He had 3 armies, 1 King's. He could have used his own resources, but he turns to God first. We should give Him the first priority. He is the only true God with grace and mercy. He is living. David stayed faithful to God. He is good and ready to forgive v5. He is compassionate v15. This is the only God worth praying to. He knows our need before we ask. If we don't come to Him, we can get in a bigger mess. Call to Jesus, He will answer. David found time for his heavenly Father. Daniel prayed to God 3 times a day. Pray all day long v3. 1 Thes 5:17 pray without ceasing and give thanks in everything. God is a powerful God. Give thanks. Devote yourself to God v2. V13 give praise, we are delivered from the grave. By His mercy we are here today. Pray with humility vv 2 4 16 as a servant. God punished David for his sin but forgave him. Pray with faith. v2 devote yourself and trust in God. v7 be confident God will answer and help. v17 helped and comforted. David asked for a sign and guidance. Signs were answer to prayer, preserving your life, guarding your life, strength for the day, deliverance and mercy, forgiveness for sin. There is a God for all our needs, let Him guide you. When we pray, have the right attitude, Lk 18 tax collector and Pharisee. Pray to God not praising yourself. v13 short and simple. v14 be humble, God will justify. Gen Cain, Abel, sacrifice from heart is acceptable.


27/10 Hugh Henderson Gen 40:1- 23   Service

Mission International update South Sudan in war with Sudan, possibly instigated by Russia. Lots of refugees and returnees. They are war weary, yet Churches are being planted. North is Muslim, South is nominal Christian. They speak English. Flooding has ruined many houses. They are unable to grow crops as they are having to move about. Bicycles are the only feasible transport in some rural areas. Two more wells have been dug in Malawi, although delayed by storms. Pastor Elton is seeing many coming to Christ. More Bibles are required in their own language. MI is a gospel mission, but provides food where necessary. In Myanmar there is continued brutality against the churches. Chin state is mainly Christian. School continues in the forest. In Bangladesh, pastor Lal is baptising new believers and planting churches near Chittabang. Good jobs are only given to Muslims, but he is a recognised community leader. Their government have put a hit on him. Their Prime Minister had to flee from her office. In Burundi, the Hope centre grounds are continually flooded. The houses remain, but the children have been moved due to the crocodiles. The children are now getting job support work. The Big Meal is approaching at centres in 16 countries which are mainly Islamic or Buddhist. MI is under new management: Roddy & Marina Macrae who live in Alness. There is a service on 26/1/25 at 6pm in St Peters, Dundee.
Message Gen 40:1- 23. The Cupbearer and the Baker. Often in OT, we see references that shout the name of Jesus. A beloved son that was hated by many, but rises to save his people. Ps 105:16-18. This was no holiday for Joseph. The two officials had top jobs with huge responsibility. They were accused of offences. Joseph was assigned to serve them. One was innocent; one was guilty. We are called to serve, no matter how nasty people are. We are in the world, but not of it. The world lives as it wants - with consequences later. We have the constraints of God's Kingdom. The officials are representative of humanity. Adam and Eve had privileged access to The Father. The officials had access to the king. Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, had seen the King. Mankind is rebellious. Joseph and Jesus were numbered among the transgressors. They still served. We are to serve His people and to minister God's Word. Egypt and Babylon had many dream interpreters, but none could be found. Joseph turned what they saw into words. It was God's words that made light. We walk by faith in God's Word, not by sight. Live by God's Word. Jesus is God's Word, Heb 1. Can you see an opportunity for ministry today? Am I a cupbearer or baker? We must stick with the word of God. Minister the word, work with people. Two criminals were facing their fate with Joseph and with Jesus. Joseph and Jesus asked them to, "Remember me". Note the similarities to Calvary: the darkness, the criminals, the words of eternal life. We are the bakers. Jesus takes our place. Joseph's request and innocence. The crucifixion took place during the feast. Do we forget Jesus? We are called to serve. Where do we remember Christ? At communion we remember Him. Come to His table. We can come boldly.

20/10 Nibin John Psalm 24   Invitation

  Our job is to praise God. Ps 24 was written by King David to worship The King of Glory. It was sung when the Ark was brought back to Jerusalem. The Ark represented God's glory and presence and was placed in the Holy of Holies. 2 Sam 6 is the account of the Ark coming to Jerusalem. Give praise to the Lord and King of Glory. Everything belongs to God. Many believe it belongs to Satan. Satan tempted Jesus with the world even though it wasn't his to give. 2 Cor 4:4 believers are blinded by the god of the age. He doesn't have that power or ownership. Paul states in 1 Cor 10:26 that everything belongs to God: not just the animals, we also belong to God. He alone is the God we should worship. Ps 139 He wonderfully created us. Ps 24:7-10 instructs us to welcome God; He will come in. Open your heart to receive Jesus. Draw near to God, James 4:8. Come back, do not forget Him. Lk 8:55, when Jairus invited Jesus into his house, Jesus raised his daughter to life. Jesus will restore you when He comes into your life. Mk 1:30,31 when Jesus was invited to Simon and Andrews' house, He restored the woman. Jesus brings full healing. Jn 2:9 Jesus was invited to the wedding and the servants obeyed Him. He provided the best wine in abundance. He will fulfil you. He used what was there; the ordinary jars. They were made for use outside but were brought inside. He brings us into His presence and gives us purpose. Your past will not be your future. Lk 19:9, Jesus brings salvation when Zacchaeus invites him into his house. He welcomes us gladly. Salvation comes into your house when you welcome Jesus. The LORD brings peace into your life, Lk 24:36. Even when you are most afraid (with the doors locked!). Welcome Him with open doors. This peace only comes from God. He is there for us. He listens to our prayers. Ps 24:10 let the King come in. Rev 3:20 open the door. On road to Emmaus they invited Him in. Put social media or any other distraction aside. Pray to God. Everything belongs to God and His plan prevails.

13/10 Harry Ps67:5,6. Lev 23:39-44.   Harvest & Thanksgiving

  There were three festivals in the Old Testament days. They were compulsory for the men. The final feast was 'Tabernacles'. The Religious calendar was linked to the agriculture calendar. Immediately after passover, there was the festival of first fruits where grain was waved before the Lord. Note that Jesus fulfilled all OT feasts as well as all the prophesy. The early Harvest followed 50 days after the grain harvest. Autumn was the 3rd harvest and mainly the fruit and olives. Deut 16:13-15 refers to the end of agricultural year. Grain must be dried and milled, so everything is celebrated together. This would be five days after Yom Kippur, around 9th Oct. The whole nation goes camping. The Day of Atonement, 2 Chron 5:3, was the same time as Solomon dedicated the temple. Ezra reads the law at this time, Neh 8. Zech 14:16,17 is a warning for tabernacles: if you don't go, there will be no rain. Jesus may have been born at that time. Jesus stood up on the last day of the feast, Jn 7:37. What does this mean for us? Pause and give thanks. That was a proper feast, a massive celebration. Nehemiah has added instructions. v12 all went to eat, drink and share. Have sweet drinks, be happy. Paul in Eph 5,20 says to eat with thankfulness. Say grace at meals. Thank God rather than the food (unless dedicated to others). Only once in NT does Harvest refer to agriculture. Mostly spiritual context. Jn 4:35, Mt 9: everyone coming to Jesus. Crowds, compassion. Ask for workers for harvest. Lk sending of 72 Lk 10:-17. Jesus sees the opportunity, the harvest is the end of the world. Jer 50:16, 51:33. Rev 14:14-16 put the sickle in, the judgement is coming. Mt 13, man with good seed and weeds appear. We are not called to go to church; we are to be part of church. The field is the world, and the harvest is the end of the world. Jesus is coming back, be ready. Prepare yourself Mt 24, take the Word to all nations. We must not want the world to perish. 2 Pet is difficult, but the message is that we are to speed the day of His coming. Preach the gospel. v12. He deserves the worship of whole creation. We are all to reflect His glory. 1 Thes 5:2. Do we know and live as though Jesus is coming back?


22/9 Jamie Mackintosh Matt 18:1-6   The Greatest

  We are really grateful for one another. Matt 18:1-6 comes after the disciples were bickering over who is the greatest. Today's society has hierarchies. Plato tried to define a just society. Our society is very hedonistic. Socrates saw no benefit to being just. What is needed for a city? People and resources are required. This develops a structure and produces organic growth. It evolves into workers, middle-brokers and asset owners. Over time they all get disgruntled as they consider the other groups to be doing better than they are. Tension can be good, but it creates strife between the groups. Where are the children? They have no status and zero value, yet Jesus says they are the greatest in Jesus Kingdom. God created Adam, then Eve. Genetically the same. They are to walk with God and work together to keep the garden. Matt 22:36-40, love your neighbour. Man and women were created equal. Adam is the head of Eve, but he is also responsible for all of Eve's needs, 1 Cor 11:3. She is to nurture and care for all children. We are all to fulfil our different roles to make society function. Mary was the principal care giver to Jesus as he was growing up. Husband and wives are a partnership. They have shared responsibilities. Why is modern society so confused? They are unable to see the bigger picture and they give in to individual cases or specific arguments. Gal 3:7, all who have faith are sons. Jesus models His Kingdom. Mk 19:13-15, let the children come to me. The innocent heart and intent of a child is the essence of our faith. The humblest rank is the most important. This change can only come from Jesus. Eternal life is the reward for this.

15/9 Paul Younger Psalm 23:1-6 ESV   Provision, Protection, Perpetuity

  The Bible contains many well-known passages; what more can be said about these? Ps 23:1-6. We all have a lifetime of experience, yet there is still blessing in these words. A word from God. David starts with a wonderful, glorious declaration. "LORD" is the most special word in the Hebrew language. It is so holy. The tetragrammaton is translated as Jehovah or Yahweh. The creator and supreme ruler. Ps 22, David seemed like a worm in comparison to God. We can't begin to grasp His greatness. It is beyond our imagining. He is my shepherd. He knows each of his sheep. This prequels Jesus' announcement that He is the Good Shepherd. The shepherd makes sure his flock is fed, watered and protected. God meets our every need. Not just in the physical realm. He restores my soul. We are spiritual beings. Physical well-being must also be matched by spiritual health. The darkest valley is no problem for Him. Comfort is more than just an arm on your shoulder. It is related to the words for fortress and fortitude. Thunderstorms can drive us to a place of comfort and safety. Our parents model this and we may have claimed, "My Dad is bigger than yours". God is the biggest Dad. Help is available. David had hard won experience that God was always with him. Rogers and Hammerstein, you'll never walk alone is true for those who trust God. God's staff is more than a shepherds crook. It has power. In Fellowship of Ring, the Balrog in Moriah was threatening Gandalf and his companions. Gandalf stands on bridge and faces Balrog. His staff is an instrument of great power. God protects us from everything. He gives perpetuity. We rest in His presence forever. He supplies more than an elegant sufficiency. More than enough is what we get from God. v6 David declares a promise for beyond this life. Provision and Protection in Perpetuity. Remember this when you most need to know it.

8/9 Iain Sutherland Ecclesiates 3:1-15   Seasons & Patterns

  God has given us seasons and patterns; some repeating, others not. Sightings of combined harvesters going to fields are signs of the coming harvest. All the seasons are needed to bring it home. Different weather and conditions all play a positive part in this. We have come to expect the seasons at certain times and moan when they don't live up to our expectations. The cold in the winter breaks open the seed. The spring warmth makes it sprout. The summer encourages growth and gets the crop ready for the harvest. God divides the seasons with feasts. The rhythms and patterns are regular, but not perfect. It is God that causes the sun to rise (not a mechanical universe). That's why it works. We share the seasons together, although we don't all enjoy specific things at the same time. There are times when we are close to God; times when we experience pain or doubt. Through them all, God is faithful. He is with us in them all. The parent's confession, "We have not done this before", is true in many of life's situations. As we move through the seasons, we must give and receive mercy and grace. The seasons don't change instantly. The world looks for the quick fix in everythig. Some things are meant to be slow and take time to process. This is God's pattern. Jas 5:7,8. Athletes must train, practice and rest to be ready to compete. Some people have difficulty sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect our health. It is only humans that defy natural patterns of sleep. God gives sleep, Ps 127:2. Prayer and other patterns are also important. All seasons will pass. The Celts recognise the wheel of the year. Go with the flow and with the grain. The Feast of Aiden on 31st Aug was an opportunity to celebrate a saint who pursued God and was obedient. Follow whoever is pursuing Christ. What season are we in? Look for the signs and enjoy the things God gives us. Be grateful, acknowledge what you do have. Be thankful and take pleasure in God. Pete Seeger wrote mainly protest songs, but his most famous one is Turn! Turn! Turn! sung by the Byrds and taken from Eccles 3:1-8. Lamentations 3:22,26 teaches us to hope in the Lord and wait for Him. He provides from the soil and the sea.

1/9 Jill Walker Isa 43:18-21   Faithfulness & Fruitfulness

  Two words for today, or the days ahead. Pictures from God. Golden fields around, bathed in glowing light and a sense of excitement about harvest. This year has seen an abundance of rowan berries. God is making us fruitful. We can expect fruitfulness. Fruit is mentioned at the start and end of Bible. It starts and ends with God. Fruitfulness is linked with obedience. Ps 1:1-4, a tree with good roots will thrive and bear much fruit. When Israel wanders away from God, He is sad. Jer 17:7,8, trust in God, not man. Be like a tree beside water with no worries and always bearing fruit. In the NT Jesus is described as a vine in Jn 15:1-5. He is encouraging and instructing. Paul tells us that spiritual fruitfulness glorifies God. New believers are taught to walk by the Spirit and bear fruit, Gal 5:19-23. The things we can do to be fruitful are: be obedient, choose fruitfulness, abide in Jesus, keep in step with Holy Spirit, be kind and gentle to others. To be part of a holy order, such as Communities Network of 24/7 prayer can take 1 year of preparation. Plan your life to fulfil fruitfulness in all areas of the fruit of Spirit. Work out if you need more of a particular fruit. Develop this. A recent prophetic word given through GPA is to expect fruitfulness and increase your capacity to receive it. Rid yourself of the mindset of lack. Embrace God's promise of fruitfulness; say yes to it. Abundance and flourishing is coming. Vehettge, an indigenous African church leader, was the housekeeper of Moravian missionary Georg Schmidt who moved to S Africa and set up a school. He planted a pear tree in the garden. The church gathered for 50 yrs under the tree and Vehettge read to them from the NT. Moravian missionaries returned to find them still meeting. Faithfulness and fruitfulness. Be faithful in the place you are. God sees it. God chose us to be abiding fruit. Ask God for "whatever", Jas 1:2-5. Lots of conversations about harvesting are happening right now. Crops are being gathered in. Wait and look and prepare for people coming into His Kingdom. Be ready to speak and act. Jn 4:35-38, the fields are ready! Spiritual harvests can happen quicker than crop harvests and at different times. S America have recently had big revivals. Keep sowing and praying. There is joy in the collective at harvest. It's good to be part of the team. Know the times and seasons. 1 Chron 12:32, the men of Issachar understood them. The Spirit of God is wisdom and understanding for us. We are counter-cultural. Look for things to pray and do. Be gentle and respectful. Chaplain roles are more relational than evangelist roles. Wait, watch, understand. Isa 54 and 55 call us to obey and to feast.


25/8 Jamie Mackintosh Luke 4:1-21,31-37   God's Victory

  The Old Testament has an account of greatness against adversity featuring David and Goliath in 1 Sam 17. We must look beyond the obvious for the real story as to how the underdog beats the bully. Where is the gospel in this story? The Philistines were seafaring and needed access to the sea for their economy. This was their motive for taking Israel. Israel was defending and also sometimes overstepping retaliation. We do the same thing. Labour are not doing well after the defeat of Tories. We must follow our principles and beliefs. We must fight for truth. David's brothers were not pleased to see him. David does have the skills, from protecting his sheep, so Saul concedes to him. The armour of God is not material, it is spiritual. Humility can overcome arrogance. When studying the Bible use exegesis (draw out the given meaning), not eisegesis (making it mean what you already believe). David's pebbles were just 5 stones and more meaning cannot really be attributed to them. 1 Sam 18 is referring to family love between David and Jonathan, not homosexuality. Changing the meaning of Scripture is wrong. Goliath was 9ft tall and armour clad, dressed for killing and not to be killed. Gigantism is genetic abnormality with other complications. He may have had double vision or impaired sight. He relies on brute strength. David is fleet of foot. David has total confidence in God. His sling shot is deadly. Who is the underdog? God has equipped and trained David. He makes up what David lacks. God does this for Moses and Joshua. He crushes the serpent's head. Chain mail, v17, is translated by NIV as scales. David cuts off the monster's head. Luke 4 shows how Jesus triumphs over his enemies. Christ completes His saving work over evil, sin and death. 1 Cor 15:54-56, Gal 3:13 Jesus takes the curse. Rom 8:33, there is no more accusation and Satan can not defeat us: Jesus won the battle. The cross crushed Satan's head for good. God makes us live, Col 2:13-15. Jesus wins. David and Goliath is a messianic allegory. We are enlisted in God's army. He will protect us. Faith is our shield and the weapon of our victory. Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory.

18/8 Andrea Mill Heb 12:1-13   Going for Gold

  Being the best that you can be, to shine like a star in the darkness. Heb 12:1-13 raises the questions, What are the weights that slow me down? What did Jesus endure? Is God training me because He loves me? God has set a race before you. Ps 139:13-16 God created you in a very specific way. Your days were written in the book before they happened. He put us all here for a purpose. He designed us. Success requires a life of discipline, training, and study. Not everyone wins gold. Many Olympians have given glory to God. There is no more joyful place than in God's will. Jer 1:4-10. Our lives are to be given over to doing His will. He knows us. What objections have I raised to resisting God's will (too young, too old, not enough..). We are also in spiritual warfare which tries to thwart our purpose. The thief comes to rob and destroy. You and your calling are unique. Picture a stone in water, making ripples having a far-reaching effect. Living in integrity and honesty, sharing love has a big effect on those around. 2 Cor 12:8-10 take pleasure in weakness. How we deal with hardship speaks volumes to believers and non-believers. We are told to love and care for our enemies. We live by a higher standard. 1 Pet 5:5, be humble and beware of getting puffed up (Col 2:18). Give your cares and worries to God; He loves us. The race is a marathon, not a sprint. God does things in His timing. We get off course. We get opportunities to grow. Train like an athlete. Bathe in love of God. His truth must affect more than just our heads. Live in community. 1 Tim 1:5 pure heart, clear conscience. Others can help us to stay on track. Our own thoughts can lead us astray. Friends can help us to keep the devil out. Phil 4:4-9 contains lots of practical advice. Guard against losing your joy through falling away. This applies to missions and to daily life. Be supernatural. Phil 3:12-21. Phil 4:11-13 is a valid response to the accuser.

11/8 Richard Hobson 2 Chron 9:8   Justice

  What do we think of or how do we react to "justice"? Perhaps the Law courts, annoying lawyers or the Old Bailey lady with her sword and scales of fairness. All a bit scary. In the recent Post Office inquiry, justice wasn't done. Michel Hussain has just been released after being wrongly accused. Injustice happens and causes big issues! What does it have to do with God? God is for us not against us. He is just. He appoints Solomon, 2 Chron 9:8, so that Israel is blessed due to God's love. Justice is an expression of His love. Deut 16:18 righteous judgement is to be administered; v20 only justice is to be followed to receive the promise to live in the land. Amos 5:24 let justice roll down; this is more important than much worship. Without justice in our lives, our worship is worthless. King David was God's choice since his heart was for God and justice, 1 Chron 18:14. What are the qualifications for administering justice? Prov 28:1-5 boldness like a lion, don't oppress the poor. Evil men do not understand. You must seek God to understand it completely. Only godly understands it. Our government and legal system are flawed. Some laws are unjust and favour biased viewpoints. God's law is greater than any human legal system. There can be a disconnect between God and the state. Sometimes justice isn't done. What is our response? This is key. Rom 12:14-21 is written to believers living under Roman rule which was not conducive to Christian living. v19 let God avenge. Paul instructs us to care for our enemies. A radical response! We often get angry and retaliate. Is Paul's request impossible? Trust God. Deut 32:35, God repays every injustice. Rioting is not a valid response. Spiritual problems are short sighted. See everything in relation to eternity. Ps 73. Many appear to profit from injustice and crooks seem to flourish. It can be a real struggle to stay innocent. v23 the key is in your attitude. Long for God. We don't have to make it all right. Justice means righteous. It is about vindication, not just punishment. We have a nature of sin. We are all guilty before God. Our sin must be paid for. God's justice is fulfilled on the cross. Jesus took the punishment to satisfy justice. God sees perfect righteous in us. He saved us because of His justice. Ps 85:10. All our blessings are because He is just and loving. When we endure injustice, God promises to put it right. Seek God, let Him deal with injustice. There is a heavenly court. We have no fear of the sword. Whatever anyone does to us, God will resolve it. The church and all people must uphold justice.

4/8 Heather Sutherland Phil 3:12-21 NET   Press On

  The Olympics for many is about winning medals and achieving goals. Lola Anderson wrote in her diary in 2012 that she wanted to win gold: it came true in 2024. Simon Biles "lost it" in Tokyo in a brain fog, but returned to be the oldest female gymnast to win gold. Andy Murray played his final match. There is much controversy, but lots of stories. 100 yrs ago Eric Liddel chose not to run on a Sunday in 100m, but went on to get bronze in the 200m and gold in the 400m races. He said, "God made me fast and when I run I feel His pleasure". There is a race for all of us to run. Paul's letter to the Philippians is his biography. Past, present and future. In the present he is a competitor, like an athlete or it could mean a charioteer; a bit like a horse drawn segway requiring a lot of balance, skill and strength. "Press on", means to stretch, dip or throw to the finish line - a big effort or lunge. Only Greek citizens could compete in the original Olympic games. We are already citizens in God's Kingdom. What race has He given us? What specific job has He given me? v13 my one thing. D is for Dissatisfied. Not there yet, more to do. Satisfied with Jesus, but knew His purpose wasn't fulfilled. Note the different responses to bronze medals from 'lost gold' to lifetime achievement. Comparisons to other believers are not helpful. Paul had amazing experiences, but was looking at Jesus. A mature Christian looks for where they can improve. Ps 42 describes a longing and thirsting for the things of God: devotion to the one thing. There are lots for Christians to do. Does it need to be done, or is it what I am called to do? What is He calling us to? D is for Direction. What happens when we keep looking back? Look forward to avoid disaster. Be no longer influenced by past. This is biblical forgetting. Heb 10:17, God chooses to discount our sins. Too many Christians are hampered by regret. D is for Distract. The past can distract us. D is for Determination. We need determination as well as all the rest to progress. Put in the training to improve what you do. Partnership with God to achieve the goal. Not every athlete gets a prize and earthly medals will tarnish, but our reward in heaven is sure and lasting. Obey the rules. Stay in your lane. Don't get disqualified. We don't lose our citizenship. Native American Jim Thorpe, the 1912 decathlon hero, wasn't an amateur and had to return the medal. Don't break the rules. The judges enforce the rules. We will stand before bema, the judgement seat (bimah = the platform from where the Torah is read). It is possible to lose your reward. Don't let it happen to you. When we stand before Him, this is our inspiration. Let Jesus coach us.


28/7 Nibin John 2 Chron 20:1-30   Prayer

  Jehoshaphat was a king that followed God's commands. The surrounding nations attack Jerusalem. The Isrealites gather at the front of the tabernacle and pray. The king does three things. 1 He decides to pray to God. 2 He tells God about the problem he has no power over. 3 He admits he doesn't know what to do. We need to realise these kings have the power and authority to rule and decide what must be done. This king is admitting he has no idea. He tells God this. We should go to God in prayer when things are too much for us. v12 look to God. Turn your eyes to God. Isa 43:19 He makes a way in the wilderness. When we have no hope, turn to God. God can do things we can't imagine. What blessings will the servant of God receive. Ps 16:8 look to the LORD. Ps 91:7,8 God will deliver us. Ps 25:15 keep your eyes on the LORD, He releases us from all snares. The devil's plan will not succeed. Ps 57:6 God deals with those who pursue you. Ps 31:4 God rescues us and frees us. None of the devil's plans will trap us. Never be put to shame Ps 34:5,6 God hears and saves. v7 The angel protects us. Remember what God says, hold to His Word. We will never be cast down. Ps 71:1 trust and wait for God. Ps 27:14 wait, be strong and take heart. Ps 121:1,2 lift up your eyes, help comes from God, the creator. Job 16:19 my witness is in heaven. He is fighting for us. Ps 141:8,9 look to God, He will keep us from death. Ps 123:2,3 look to God and receive mercy. God gives grace to everyone. Our blessing is not here on the earth. We will receive joy and freedom. Wait for the Lord. King Jehoshaphat looked to the Lord. Jerusalem didn't have the power. God had already planned the defeat of their enemies. As they went out to war, all they saw was dead bodies. The enemies had killed each other. They brought back 3 days' worth of plunder. When God gives blessing, we must give Him praise and worship and thanksgiving. He is our help and protection.

21/7 Paul Younger Jn 21:1-14.   Forgiveness

  The Miraculous catch of fish. Inspired by a sermon at LBC a few weeks ago, US politics (and cognitive functions) and also a message to KCF 24 yrs ago. Listen up. Not initially a three point sermon, then it was. Familiarity. We don't meet people who have died. This was the third time for the disciples. Did they still have the peace Jesus gave them? Peter was a very direct person. Paul Simon's observation in 'Still Crazy After All These Years' is that we lean on old familiar ways. We seek comfort in familiarity. It can help to move forward. Sometimes, we need to leave the old ways behind. Futility. The disciples rushed to go with Peter. They couldn't think of anything better. They caught nothing. Ps 127, unless God says, we act in vain. Fishing is a worthy occupation, but not what Peter was called to. Good things can be futile. Ask what God requires. You may have just begun (The Carpenters). Peter was probably getting the message. Everyone asks a fisherman if they caught anything. The disciples followed the instruction and landed a huge haul. What was different this time? The key was doing what Jesus told them. Fealty. An oath to the King. A pledge of loyalty and obedience. This is what Jesus requires. The reward for this fealty was huge. 10,000 reasons (Matt Redman). 153 reasons to trust in Jesus. It may be taken to represent gentiles (100), remnant of Isreal (50), the Trinity (3). The sea is said to have 153 different kinds of fish. He provides for us when we are faithful. Resist temptation to resort to old ways, ensure your loyalty is to Him.

14/7 Jamie Mackintosh James 1:2-27 ESV   Prayer & Action

  Dealing with not being on holiday anymore. Only 2 mentions of Jesus, a practical support guide. A resonance with Philippians. Have you ever felt hurt? How to persevere and endure. Paul commends those working for good of the Kingdom. We can't add to our salvation. So we live to make the gospel known. Ph 4:5 let gentleness and reasonableness prevail. James picks up on this. Prayer is a key. Make your requests to God. Hymn, we lose a lot if we don't pray. Give your worries to Christ. v5 lacking ? Ask. Prayer is general and may be unanswered. Supplication is specific. Don't be afraid to ask. Mt 7:8. Jas v5 look to Christ. v25 action brings blessing. He takes anxiety and gives peace. Ph 4:7. Peace with God, peace of God. Be complete and whole. Ph what is true, noble, pure, just. Fruit of Spirit. Rom 12:2 be transformed by Word. Actions and attitudes are fundamental to Christian life. We are good enough, Jesus believes in us. The core of belief in God, not the petty wrangling. v19 we should be slow to speak and judge and become angry. Meekness, compassion and joy mirror God's work in us. Through prayer, we get the support of Jesus. Through fellowship we encourage each other.

7/7 Mark Laing Ps 73:1-3,13-26, Jn 20:24-28   Question Doubts

  Salmon Rushdie concluded that doubt is the condition of humanity today. Neither Biden nor Trump fill us with confidence. As Christians we are not immune to challenges to our faith. There are very few messages about this. Tim Keller encourages us to doubt our doubts. The Bible has many examples of doubt. In the garden, the serpent cast doubts on God's word. When John the Baptist was in prison, he wasn't sure Jesus is the one. Paul, in Gal 2, doubted his ministry. At the ascension, some doubted Jesus had risen. Thomas could be the patron Saint of the modern age, due to his reluctance to believe. Jesus welcomes him and encourages him. What is doubt? How do we respond? Ps 73:2, describes it as spiritual vertigo. Dizziness, caused by height. CS Lewis defined it as when your heart and head disagree. It is not just an intellectual concept, there is actual tension, v21, v13. Frances Bacon observed that men who begin in certainty will end with doubt, but those who begin with doubt end in certainty. René Descartes believed doubts were necessary to find truth. Doubts come to everyone. Faith can be challenged by adverse circumstances. There may be no clear plan. Question your doubts. Don't shut down the questions. You can't pretend it's not happening. Jesus is Lord of all, don't limit Him. Find the source and destination of the doubt. Thomas took the gospel to India. Mar Thoma church is the church of Thomas. vv16,17 is almost a "don't try this at home" warning. There are dangers around. There is a danger in isolation. Philip Yancey advises that when you are in a fast river, you need help from the bank. Doubt appears more intellectual than it is. Experience is also required. Look out for your footholds. Choices have consequences. Rely on testimonies of witnesses. Even moving away from Christ has consequences. v23 check your grip. God is always with us. We won't always feel it. Live by faith, not sight. Him holding us is the important thing. Ps 62 salvation depends on God holding us. Question Doubts. Stay engaged, don't stay home alone. Stepping is an act of faith.


30/6 Richard Allison Zech 4:6-10   Not by might, by Holy Spirit.

  “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty. The Jews had an impossible tasks to rebuild the temple. Their resources were depleted and they were in fear of their oppressors. The Church in Scotland is in a type of exile. The last census reported 51% have no religion. Our resources are lacking. Zechariah was the Governor of Jerusalem and would have been king if they were not ruled by foreign powers. Solomon's temple had been burnt down and the nation were exiled to Babylon. Jeremiah had prophesied that all this would happen. Then the Persians overthrew Babylon rulers and were more sympathetic to the Jews. The OT temple is equivalent to the NT church, which is made up of living beings. The temple was the centre of worship for the Jews. This era was known as second temple Judaism. However, it looked like it would be left in ruins. Like most construction projects it was over budget and over time. There was no will to finish it. Notre Dame is being rebuilt in Paris due to its national importance. Significance of God speaking to the people. There was external opposition from Samaritans. They had their own god's. Ezra 4. Their offer to help was refused. There was no violence at this point, but constant harassment and hostility. They lied to Artaxerxes vv23,24. Darius, in his second year, continued the work. For 10 years the work was abandoned. Fear was holding them back. Fear tactics are very powerful. It limits our effectiveness for the Kingdom. Be aware of all levels of opposition and know how to respond. Open Doors ministry are very aware of this. In some states Church members are under surveillance and younger children are indoctrinated. Governments can play games of frustration. It's all persecution. There are many different forms of persecution in lots of different communist countries. They all aim to frustrate the work of God using low level attacks which can then be escalated. There is some opposition here. Some people have lost their jobs and many are afraid to speak up. We cannot rely on our own strength. There are also internal and personal reasons for not acting. Hagai 1:2, they were building their own houses. Fear of greater opposition stops us from going forward. Motivation becomes hard, and discouragement increases. Distraction and apathy are added to this. Discouragement affects the whole church community. Some continue to go forward despite the opposition. The Church is growing fast in Iran. God sends prophets to prophecy and rebuke, to stir up the people. God promises them success through Zerubbabel. God used king Cyrus to complete the work. The people focused on God and pressed on. The empowerment of Holy Spirit helped them complete the work. Holy Spirit will also help us. We have the work of God to do and His power to help us. There are many examples to follow. Brother Andrew was an ordinary man, but has done amazing work to help believers. His only weapon was prayer. God grew this ministry. Project Pearl smuggled millions of Bibles into China. One man listened to God and put himself at risk. Do the work of God by the power of Holy Spirit. Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain, Ps 127:1. Don't worry about the outcome. Rely on faith in God. Prioritise faith in God. Zech 4:10 - who dares despise small things? Everything starts small. Be faithful with little. We all have limitations and weaknesses. Rely on God, submit to Holy Spirit, respond in faith.

23/6 Other Notes 2 Cor 4:16-18   Suffering Servant

  In this world you will have trouble, Jn 3:16. 2 Cor 4:16-18 - can we claim this with confidence? The Christian life is not problem free. We may leave behind worldly problems, but pick up others. Jn 15:18-25. Jesus was hated without cause and we will all be persecuted as well. Three things the Bible assures us, however, you can only love your enemies if you have enemies, you can't be an overcomer without a trial, you can only be patient when being tested. Suffering is more than when things go wrong. The NT has a lot to say about suffering. 2 Tim 2:3 a soldiers life is tough, we must endure hardship and persecution. If there was no place for suffering we would just lose our faith when things go wrong. What to expect? Rom 5:3 suffering produces perseverance and is worthy of rejoicing. The church in Thessalonia were made aware of persecution by Paul (1 Thes 3:7). Ps 119:67, affliction brings obedience as do slander and libel, v69. We go through unpleasant experiences in life. Jesus is the suffering servant from OT. He is also the perfect revelation of God. Many Christians have an Islamic view that God is remote and has no feelings. Our God loves and is close. The Lamb is on the throne. Heb 5:7,8 during Jesus' life he learned obedience through suffering and was made perfect through suffering, v9. Rev 13:8b, Jesus is the Lamb who was slain; we follow the one who suffered. Our suffering may lead to the salvation of others. Love involves voluntary suffering for the sake of others. Agonising prayer is an act of love. Mt 8:17, Jesus takes our infirmities. The challenge for us is to see the positive in suffering. 1 Pet 2:21 although addressing slaves who were being punished unjustly, we are all called to follow Jesus's example through suffering. Paul in Phil 1:5,6 says the same struggle is making us complete. Phil 4:14 they all shared in the sufferings and it was no secret or surprise for the believers. We rejoice in suffering as Christ did. God will restore you. 2 Thes 1:4 Paul boasts about perseverance in trials, and the confidence it brings. It accomplishes something in our lives. Suffering also comes as a correction Heb 12:5,6 God disciplines those He loves. Also problems in the church can open the door to sickness. It can be difficult to grow grapes in Scotland, they may require severe pruning. God's purpose is to make us like Jesus, Rom 8:18,19. Faith sometimes requires us to ignore pain. He who began a good work, Phil 1:6. God works in us for good Rom 8:28 - in everything God works for good. The reward is great.

16/6 Iain Sutherland Eph 1:1-14   Father's Day

  Our Father is the King. He is the Father who loves us, who sends the Son as a gift and Holy Spirit to seal the gift in us. Jn 14:18 Holy Spirit overcomes the orphan spirit. The Israelites called Father God, "Jehovah" and avoid using His name. Earthly Dad's can joke and criticise their own children, but no-one else can. Our heavenly Father is also loving and protective of us: we are His. Jacob sneaks the blessing from his father of the hand on the head. Lk 3:21 when Jesus was baptised, the voice of the Father came from heaven. We can also receive these words. Immediately after, Jesus was tempted in 3 ways: Ambitions, Appetites, Attitudes. All 3 relate back to what he heard on rising from the waters of baptism. God is everything we need. Hear the declaration from heaven. Luke is meticulous and his details are accurate. Lk ch 9 at the transfiguration, they all hear the voice of God. Then they go and make a mess of things. We are His beloved. Lk 12:32 fear not little flock. The Father wants to bless us. Lk 15 mentions three lost items: a sheep, a coin, a son. The third story is really about the running Father. Even when we make mistakes, we are loved and we are still heirs. The father put his hand on the sons' head to impart the inheritance. Our Father is extravagant. Jn 14:1-7, Jesus wants us to know he Father, then He sends Holy Spirit on us (v26). 1 Jn 3:1-3 we are children of God. Eph 1:13 we are marked with the seal of Holy Sirit. Just like at Pentecost, the hand of God rests on heads to impart blessing. Allow the the Father's love letter change your life.

9/6 Nibin John Ps 1:1.   Animals & Angels

  The Bible mentions three creatures that spoke. God uses birds and animals to warn us and guide us. From the ark, the dove and the raven brought Noah signs when it wasn't and when it was safe to leave. Ravens fed Elijah during the famines by bringing food from the King's palace. In many places animals are used by God. There are three places where animals speak. Angels also bring warnings and good news. They also brought judgement. The snake in Eden spoke in Gen 3:1. Whether it was actually Satan or being used by him, it questioned Eve. Be wary of those who question what you are doing. The serpent was crafty and deceitful and tried to make Eve believe lies. Keep faith in God. Keep the day of rest. Make sure you are on the right path. Ps 1:1 Keep away from sinners, mockers and the wicked. Meditate and delight in God's law. Trust in God. Following the path of the wicked will lead us to wickedness. Be on the look the out for serpents. Num 22:21-40, three times the angel blocked the way to stop Balaam speaking a curse over the Israelites. Finally the donkey spoke. God did not want him to curse the people. Balaam's plan was flawed and wicked. Often, God sends faithful messengers to warn us of dangers ahead. God wanted to bless the people. Ps 91, stay close to God to avoid the curse on land and other disasters. We can be blind to the warning. Don't follow the path to destruction. Listen to the warning. Rev 8:13 the eagle cried out the warning. The majestic bird shouted it out. Each seal opened in Revelation brings curses and angels appear. Turn from wickedness. Rev 9 more punishment is coming: smoke, darkness, locusts, plagues. We see these signs now, but they are a warning to turn from evil. This is the beginning, more is coming. 2 Cor 6:2 now is day of salvation, repent. The birds and animals speak truth, God uses them. The donkey is humble; listen to the humble servants of God. The eagle is a symbol of the Church. The animals are testing our faith. It's time to follow Jesus.

2/6 Paul Younger Phil 4:4-9   The 5 "R's"

  Sometimes it can take a while to discover the right message. LBC are working through Philippians: Alan preaching on Ch 3, Jim on Ch 4. We will focus on Phil 4:4-9. There are 5 points. Rejoice: all of God's Word is important, repetition is very important! Rejoice is not a default position in life. W Barclay, joy has little to do with outward things. We can adopt the attitude of "Always look on the bright side of life" (Monty Python) or "Smile though heart aching" (Charlie Chaplin). Paul's method of Joy in the Lord is significantly different. His comfort and security is always there. No one and nothing can take it from us. Request v6 in every situation, not just some. We may worry that our prayers are just a shopping list, but we can't buy anything from God. God wants us and our requests, He is waiting for us to ask. We are His children. God is loving, more than any parent. His resources are limitless. We must understand whether what we ask for is something we need or something we want. Don't believe anything is too big or too small for God. Ask for healing. God's best answer may not be what we expect. Earthly things can run out, but God doesn't keep a tally. He is always there for us. In every situation. Reward, for faith is incredible peace and protection for your heart and mind (v7). God's peace is deeper than anything. The 'peach' (peace) of God is very desirable and fruitful. Reflect on the worthy things listed in verse 8. At times, we get wrapped up in our worries. Don't be obsessed with a tiny flaw that you miss the beauty. All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; so is His love. Q. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? A. practise. Rehearse. Make the performance as good as it can be. Paul is referring to living every day as a Christian (v9). Follow his example. Don't give up.


26/5 Heather Sutherland Eph 4:1-16   Body of Christ

  Are you fortunate enough to be in a church where you can be who you are and not just the relation of someone who is 'known'? What is the purpose of church? What are we supposed to do? Eph 4:1-16, an exhortation and a warning. Note that Ps 95:1-8 is written to 'us', not 'me'. Be part of a body that grows and develops. Whatever ministry looks like, operate in community, not isolation. This leads to a healthy spiritual life. Some big names in ministry have ended up in sin due to not being well enough connected. Be part of a group, challenge and question each other. Find out where we fit in church. Paul uses the picture of a body every time he speaks of the gifts. We all have a part to play. Hospitality people can invite people round. The people who have the gifts are to serve the body and equip each other. The so called 5-fold gifts are to work together in unity. Body parts must be connected to be healthy. A gift from God doesn't make you special or spiritual. Rom 11:29 God's gifts are irrevocable: be the most humble person with whatever gifts you have. Jesus did great signs and Jesus washed feet. We all need the other gifts. We all serve as part of the church. Diakonia (Gk) means assistance, help, humble service. Prophets are not too important to stack chairs. Nobody is above any task. All roles are essential in church. We may feel nobody notices what we do. 1 Cor 12:21, none of us can say to another, "I don't need you". There can be no division. All parts of a body move together. Bob Jones believed whether you were raising dead or taking a nap, if it's what God asksed, the pay is the same. To function well, be sure you are doing what God wants and working together. More happens when we work together than when we work alone. What is He asking me to do? Caleb was called when he was 80. Who can we call to encourage? Individual tasks only work well in the context of community. Get help with your spiritual CV. Look at the positive things you do. Get encouragement from each other. What needs to stop, what needs to start or change. How can we be a healthy expression of God's church in Glenrothes? What do we do with what God is showing us? Some things are fun, some are difficult, but we can help each other.

19/5 Jamie Mackintosh Phil 2:12-18   Advance the Gospel

  During a busy week with work, studies and travel, there were signs of the Kingdom. Lady on plane's obvious fear dissipated following prayer for peace and daughter's response. Ukraine's Oleksandr Usyk beats the United Kingdom's Tyson Fury in boxing and fills his interview with prayer and praise for God. It took place in Arabia and was broadcast all around the world to millions. It is a gift from Holy Spirit to speak to others. This is to unite us and encourage us. Phil Chapters 1,2 teach us this. Phil 2:12-18. Advance the gospel. Consider the significance of light: for plants and animals, for our sight and health, for warmth and comfort. Families enjoy light and warmth. Verses 12,13 command us to work out salvation. Work hard to do this. God works in you. Do a spiritual workout. Others can see us if we do physical exercise outside. Let them see your spirit working. What motivates us to take action? Think about how we present ourselves. Our calling is a still small voice inside. We do it in faith, through our salvation. The power of the gospel is eternal life. Be the light of Christ. Read it, speak it. Dan 12:3 shining stars lead others to righteousness. Jesus is the Word. We are to glow and radiate in Him. Serve together, be united for the world is watching us. Be different and set a higher standard. Maintain integrity, oppose hypocrisy. Phil 2:15 aptly describes our situation today. The Greek word for twisted, scolio, gives Scoliosis, abnormal twisting and bending of the spine. Mt 17:17 also refers to a corrupt generation. Do an honest reality check of the world, but look to the gospel to see how it could be. People need leadership and a light to show them the way. Bring them into the light. Recognise our position to draw them in. Stars are continually and eternally shining. Don't just spend time with Christians. Church is where 2 or 3 unite together and this magnifies the light of Jesus, Mt 5:16. Make Him known through your actions. Expose darkness and evil. Be good examples. This needs integrity and humility. Jesus left this world, but gave Holy Spirit to help us shine. Phosphorescence shines brighter the longer it has absorbed and been in the light. Phil 2:14-16 describes how we should act. There can be no 'secret' discipleship. Following one lifestyle will destroy the other. The work of Holy Spirit in us inspires us to act God's will out. God helps us in all this as we live holy and honest lives. St Theresa of Avila's poem, Christ has no body but yours. Pray for God to inspire us, lead us, guide us to do His work, to work out our salvation.

12/5 Jill Walker Judges 6:11-16   Weakness to Strength

  Can you identify with a week of feeling weak, yet many meetings with Christians and lot's of encouragement. Biblical promises are there to help us be who we are meant to be in Jesus. Do you know your strengths? We can see gifts in ourselves and others that help us all. We also have areas of weakness. The most important thing is who God says we are. Whether a son or a daughter. God works through our gifts and weaknesses. Physical and character weakness can challenge us. Energy and mental capacity may be lacking. Shyness and nervous with new things may be traits we manifest. The Word of God teaches these four things.

  1. God doesn't see our limitations as a problem. We may try to mask them with false modesty or an unrealistic assessment. In Judges 6 Gideon saw himself as too weak. When God asks us to do something, are we negative and try argue with Him. Our response is determined by our [limited] view of God. We have God's resources available to us. We are more than conquerors (Rom 8:37). Only our lack of faith limits what He can do. He waits for us to act with boldness. His expectation is for what He can do through Gideon. What if God had a plan that was beyond my expectations?
  2. God is working to make us like Jesus (2 Cor 5:17, Gal 2:20). Phil 1:6 He who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion. Cooperate with Him. It is better if we obey Him. Actively work on any weakness, ask for His help. Throw off anything that hinders (Heb 12:1). Look for more changes.
  3. God's ways, Isa 55:9, are higher than yours. What are His thoughts on your situation? God chooses the humble shepherd boy over the physically strong men for the new king. Rough and ready men were chosen by Jesus to be His disciples. 2 Cor 12:9 God's power is made perfect in weakness. God can work through us when we are outside our comfort zone.
  4. Work with each other in His body. Who could you come alongside? Form partnerships and alliances to bring the Kingdom by prayer and worship.
Eph 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His powerthat is at work within us.


28/4 Andrea Mill Ex 20:1-11   God's Name

  The worship songs were pertinent to this message. The Name of God. The 1st commandment, Ex 20:3, there is to be no other God. His Name is very important. It tells us who he is and what He is like. It's a personality trait, like when we say somthing like, "Those Carratt's are all like that". Ex 20:7 commands us not to misuse His name. It is not a swear word. Ex 20:1-11 are God's instructions to Moses. The first four are about our relationship with Him. The Hebrew word nasa, translated misuse really means lifting or carrying. We are required not to misrepresent God by the way we live. Ex 19 3-6, when they had just come out of Egypt, thet were reminded to live as free people. We have already been saved. Live as a kingdom of priests. We are His, we carry His name. God has many names related to his character. The name He gives is I AM. He reveals His name. YHWH. Deut 12, His name is to be on the places of worship, the high places. Jesus is the name above all names. Ex 28:36-38 the plate for the priest's turban was engraved marking them as belonging to the Lord. Aaron represented the people before God. Each tribe had their name on a stone on the Breastplate. Aaron bore, nasa, their names. Ex 20:7, don't carry his name in vain. Priests and nuns have clothing that lets us know what type of behaviour to expect from them. Jesus is our high priest to show us how to live 'Holy to the Lord '. Hallowed be your name, the declaration at the start of Lords prayer. Our lives are to honour God. 2 Cor 5:16-21. We represent Christ and his Kingdom. We are his ambassadors. What do people see when they look at us? The media picks up on the shortcomings. The world will know that we belong to God by the love we show for one another. Jn 13:35. We must give a true representation of living for Jesus. What does it mean for me? Do I have that sign over me. Am I misrepresenting God? How do I respond to challenges from people and attacks from Satan. Are we on the right journey? Is God's love overflowing from us. Remember who we are.

21/4 Hugh Henderson Ps 118:1-9   God is Good

  Mission International have added S Sudan and Zambia to their operations. Malwawi and Mozambique are connected to Zambia. They received a request for Bibles and a few days later a donor came forward. Ugandan trip is scheduled for July at Kampala. Malawi was destroyed by cyclone last year and was lacking in clean water, however a donor is now funding wells and food supplies. At a Myanmar youth conference last week, seven new believers were baptised. Children are still hiding in the forest for school for fear of the military. Water pipes have been installed at the house of two ladies. Teachers are not paid much and only teach half of the lessons. Children must pay and go to teachers house after school for second half of lessons. Pastor training is happening in many locations in people's homes due to local laws. Bangladesh military are continuing to cause havoc for non muslims. Pastors go to remote places to preach and teach to avoid arrest or violence. Hope Centre in Burundi has flooded and the children decanted. Roddy taking over from Hugh later this year. Pray for the transfer of knowledge and experience.
Ps 118:1-9 is a remarkable psalm. Note, you must position yourself correctly to receive God's Word. We sit under the Word. Don't stand over it and judge it. Humble yourself under it. The Psalms are songs and prayers written to Christ. Jesus is in the line of David, they are written for Him. We benefit if we are in Christ. Jesus prays using the Psalms. Part 1, God is good. He doesn't growl over the earth or condemn it. The accusation that He is not good fails. Jonah was called to preach in the most evil place on earth. He runs, complains, but eventually preaches. He complained that God is good and seemed to know God would forgive their wickedness. We are created in his image, He looks on us with love. Ceasars image on both sides of coin. We are stamped with God's image. The sacrifice of lambs is throughout the OT. God has provided our salvation. Jesus' sacrifice of blood takes away our sin. Rev 5:3 the book that couldn't be opened, except by the lamb. A way has been made for us. God is good. The steadfast love is solid and immovable. It lasts forever. v2 we should declare God's goodness. The Church must tell of his love and testify to his goodness. If we don't give thanks, we are worse than infidels. v3 Aaron's house are priests and Church leaders, they must be an example in declaring this. v4 anyone who truly fears God must do it. We have gained salvation and eternity. In 35 years since MI started teher wer no missed pay cheques. We are all obliged to tell of His goodness. Everyone must say He is good. This is more than thankfulness. God is love. It is his very being. He blesses His people. v5 in trouble? Cry to Him. God the Father will answer and set you free. Ps 103:3-5, He overcomes every trouble and affliction, all our iniquities. He crowns us with goodness. v6 He is on our side. Fear of man is great in us. Polycarp was roasted to death for preaching. v7 Are we accurate enough in our preaching to be persecuted. God helps us. v8,9 take refuge in God, not men or kings. There are 584 chapters of the Bible before and after Ps 118. This is the very centre of Scriptures. We need refuge because we are under attack.

14/4 Iain Sutherland Genesis - Revelation   Soaking

  The Iranian church is growing. They are worshipping Isa (Jesus). In spite of chaotic world events, we focus on the Sovereignty of God. Parts of the Church have rediscovered soaking. It involves create a posture to receive the love of the Father and resting in His love. It is the ultimate surrender to His sovereignty. God heals hearts and wounds when we are in receive mode. When we receive it, we are called to carry God's presence. It's about His presence. Gen 3:8,9 Adam and Eve had enjoyed God's presence, but now they hid from God. Prior to this they walked and talked with Him. Everything in Scripture from this point is about trying to get back into His presence. Gen 28:16,17 after his dream, Jacob realised he was in was in God's presence, in His house. Ex 33:7-11 Moses sets up the tent of meeting outside the camp. God spoke face to face with him. When he left Joshua remained soaking and abiding in His presence. Moses refused to leave a place if God wasn't going with them, v15. Don't move away from His presence. David in Ps 23, expected to always be in His presence v6. He is always with us. Ps 16:11 tells of fulness of joy and pleasure in His presence. Pursue it. This is encouraged all through the OT. In NT the disciples remain with Jesus in His earthly presence. Acts 4:13 Peter and John were accused of being with Jesus. Lk 23:40-43 the thief will be in Jesus presence. Lk 24:13-29, the road to Emmaus. They begged Him to stay v28,29. Acts 2:1-4 Holy Spirit is poured out to fill us. Rev 2:20 invites us to fellowship with Jesus: to the promise of the wedding feast of the Lamb Rev 19:7-9. Soaking is asking God to speak. Fix the eyes of your heart on Him. Fix your ears on what He may say. Feel Him with your heart. Open your heart to receive him. Mt 6:6 (MSG) “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace." Find your prayer 'closet'. There are waves of blessing flowing over us.

7/4 Richard Hobson Ps 37:1-40   The Wicked and The Righteous

  The Lamb is on the throne, yet this is a broken world. Ps 37. The wicked and the righteous. God makes a distinction between them. 'Wicked' and 'righteous' are not words in common use today. David sees the difference. In wider, current culture, everyone seen as is equal. The Psalmist's viewpoint is not what we hear from our politicians. In communist countries or dictatorships you can be imprisoned for using certain words or even meeting western Christians. What are the wicked like? v12 their thinking is to do away with the righteous. v14 their actions are to do away with them, v32 they are hostile. Their future is to fade and wither v2, to be cut off, broken and destroyed v9,10,15,17,38, they perish v20. We are too comfortable and don't appreciate this is good news. v13 God laughs at them, their end is coming. There will be an end to evil, wickedness and wrongdoings. God is merciful: He wants the wicked to be saved. Saul was wicked and attacked the church and believers. God saved him. God has a perfect plan, He knows the best time. The righteous, by contrast, inherit the land v22,24,29,34, enjoy peace and prosperity v11, receive God's blessing v22. They live in God's promises,. He will uphold His promises to us. v17 He upholds us. He helps us remain strong in our faith. v23 He orders and guides our steps. v25,28 God never forsakes us, even though we fall short. v28 we are preserved forever. v31 His law is in our hearts. v37 we have a good future, not the dreadful one of the wicked. All of these are the result of God's work in our lives. His pure grace. God is very good to His people. What should we do? Don't fret. v3 trust, v4 delight, v7 wait, v8, v16 be content, v27 be good. In the face of wickedness, the temptation is strong and your trust can waiver. v7 be still, not agitated or impatient. We can easily get angry. v27 do good, don't punch the evil person. Stuff happens between now and then. Use these essential tactics. v39,40 salvation is from God. He helps us. This is the best place, in Jesus. Be thankful, delight in Jesus.


31/3 Nibin John Mk 16:4-5   Witnesses

  Mk 16:4-5. The Easter story is in all four gospels. Mark tells here of the women with spices at tomb. What had happened was alarming. Matthew 28:2 mentions the angel that rolled away the stone. Jesus had risen and left the tomb, Lk 24:3. The guards were afraid (v4) and also testify to this alarming event. Two things are needed to witness the resurrection. Jesus didn't need the stone moved to leave: He entered the house when the doors were locked John 20:26. The stone was moved for us to see. The guards and the Pharisees can also see this. They were encouraged to spread lies. If the stone remained, the world would think He was still there. It was moved so we will believe. When miracles happen in our life, many will still doubt. There are many Thomases. In John 11 it was people who moved the stone to let Lazarus out. He was a man, but Jesus was God. Jesus left behind what he did not need. Mt 28:6,7. He gave back the tomb he didn't need. When we take on His life, we leave behind our old lives. These things are not needed. Jonah was three days in the fish, to prepare us for what Jesus would go through. Jonah's heart was changed but he was still man and human traits remained. Jesus was purer & greater. Earthly men and women can be changed, but we can regress. When we sin we must ask forgiveness. God spoke to 3 people at Easter - Peter, Thomas & Mary Magdalene. Peter returned to fishing, Jn 21:3. Jesus stood on the shore, v4. v11 states they caught 153 fish. Jesus showed Peter you can't run from God, He will come after you. Peter had rejected Jesus 3 times. He also wants us to be the shepherd and to be the fisher of men. May Easter bring us closer to God. Luke 24:13, the disciples were returning home to Emmaus, but Jesus came to them. He corrected their misunderstanding. v30,31. At Easter open your eyes to who Jesus really is. Isa 53:5 declares by his wounds we are healed. Thomas was not believing Jn 20:24. v26-27, this Easter become a true believer and grow in faith like Thomas. Mary Magdalene was the first to see risen Jesus. She had 7 demons cast out, yet people were still judging her past. Mk 16:9 Jesus wanted to use her testimony and exalt her. Let Easter help us overcome and bring good news to others. Easter is the story of the full life of Jesus. Take the opportunity to deal with sin and be forgiven. Put sin to death. Be born again. Renew your life with the risen Christ today. Refresh and renew yourself. Go and make disciples. Mt 28:19.

24/3 Jamie Mackintosh Mk 11:1-11   King of the Jews

  Palm Sunday. Mk 11:1-11 one third of this gospel covers the last 7 days of Jesus life. The final days are the important ones. Half of John's gospel covers the last 40 days. This Sunday marks the literal coming of the king. It is the fulfilment of prophecy. The journey is from the House of unripened fruit also known as the House of sorrows. Our unyielded lives are unfruitful. Ezek 10:18-19. The east gate. The shekinah glory leaves through this gate. In Ezek 43 the glory of God comes back to the temple. The temple is rebuilt. Jesus is the glory of God. Jesus is the new tabernacle. He is reconnecting Heaven and earth. Jews know these Scriptures. They had witnessed Jesus's miracles. They now see Him approaching from the East. Zech 9:9 forsees the king riding on the colt. This is the people's expectation. The king had the right to take a beast. Gen 49:11 the king will tether his donkey colt to the vine. Jesus's procession is resonant of David's entry in 2 Sam, but not on a war horse. The disciples and the people welcome him. Jehu was anointed as king. The people welcome Jesus and the glory of God back to their city. The Jews should have known better. Unlike David there was no physical battle. Pilate was the first evangelist by declaring, "Jesus, King of the Jews". God made man, we are a work in progress. We are now brought together with God through Jesus. No excuses, we should know better. Jesus life and death means something to us. How can we help others this week by sharing this message? God is the masterplan. Isa 52:8 shout for Joy. Mal 1:14b, God is the great king, Ps 47 God's kingdom endures.

17/3 Other Notes Jn 13:1-17   Jesus Knew

  Recommended reading - the whole Easter story. Jn 13:1-17. Jesus' act of washing the feet is unheard-of for a person in his position or in the middle of the meal. The modern equivalent may be, "Do you want the bathroom?". Lessons for us: Jesus knew. He carefully planned his journey to Jerusalem. This is soon after Jesus had his feet washed, a complete reversal. He was confident in who he was. This enabled him to serve. The Jews had this custom since it was necessary for health. King James IV demanded all the guests bathe before attending his wedding. Public baths were available. Jews followed Mosaic tradition by hand washing. Manual workers shower after a shift. Israel had dusty roads with animals. People had open sandals. Feet would be dirty. The disciples have had a bath, symbolising the Washing of regeneration. We are cleaned when we are saved. The world is dirty from sin and it all affects everyone. We pick it up on our journey. We require seasons of refreshing. It is our ministry to each other. At start of renewal movement in 70's, in less formal meetings, some did foot washing, but it soon stopped. Scripture is inspired and deserves respect, but somethings are culturally appropriate. Should women wear hats? The proper translation is a veil/headscarf, the sign of being married. It was a public declaration. Foot washing is essentially a command to refresh one another. Culturally equivalent to 'a nice cup of tea' or fellowship. 1 Cor 16:17,18 good news refreshed Paul's spirit; 2 Cor 7,13 Titus' spirit was refreshed. 4 more references. We must build one another up. The world is evil, 1 Cor 5:1 immorality prevails. We reach out to those in the world or affected by sin. A Christian worker is a bit like a sewer, deal with sin in others, without getting clogged up. Jas 1:27 don't get contaminated. We are aliens, spies, ambassadors, exiles, strangers, a pilgrim people. 1 Jn 2:15 don't love the world. It will stain or defile us. We all get jaded. We all need refreshed. Prayers, promises lift us up into presence of God. Get a strategy for when you are alone. A good book or music to think good things. Find ways to encourage and bless one another.

10/3 Nibin John Jn 12:35,36,   The Light

  Jesus is speaking to His disciples about his death. He is the light and He will depart soon. In today's world we hear about wars, famine, plague: His coming is near. There is little light left. Current events forecast the second coming. God is speaking about light. Walk in it. Walk in Jesus. Jn 8:12, Jesus is the light of life. Walk in Him. There is no fear in the light. We feel relief when light chases away the darkness. We prepare when we know darkness is coming. Sometimes we are not prepared. We are afraid of the dark. There is darkness in the world. Jesus' path is light. We can be fearless in the light; in faith in Jesus. We can trust Him. Micah 7:8b God is light in the darkness. Ps 27:1 God is my light and my salvation. Follow the light, follow the Lord. Light and salvation and no fear are all found in God. 1 Jn 1:2 God is light. We fellowship and walk with Him. Follow Jesus, walk in the light. 1 Pet 2:9 we are chosen and called onto His light. Fellowship with God daily. There is only one light that gives hope and salvation, since all things of this world grow old and decay. Declare His praise. God looked for us. The light has many qualities, it shines, it shines into the darkness. Isa 9:2 the light has dawned. We also arise and shine like Jesus. Radiate His glory. Many are still in darkness. We are like a city on a mountain, a light on a stand. Mt 5:15 shine. Don't hide your faith. Ps 18:28 God lights up our darkness. Keep my lamp burning. Bring glory to God. Light heals. Sin affects us. God's light heals us. Ps 107:20 God healed them. Ps 119:105 He is a light and a lamp. The word brought to us by the many Bible authors all speak about the light. Light therapy brings healing. Pains in your heart can be healed by God's light. The light rules: Gen 1:16 there are two lights that rule, the sun and the moon. We have authority to rule over sin. Look to God for healing. The power in God’s words will heal and rule over sickness. Job would not curse God even though they all encouraged him to do this. Jn 9:5 Jesus is the light that rules in the world, we have victory in Him over sin and death and illness. Eph 6:12 our struggle is against the powers of darkness. Satan is the Prince of darkness. Eph 5:12 It is shameful to mention what the disobedient do in darkness. Jn 1:5 the darkness has not overcome the light. Have faith in God. Eph 5:8 we are no longer in darkness. Find out what pleases God. Goodness, righteousness and truth. Light produces life. Plants turn light into food and oxygen. Creation is planned perfectly to support human life. Jn 1:4 life is in Jesus, the light of men. Walk in the light now to be with him for ever. Seek forgiveness from Jesus. Mt 25:1 a parable of ten virgins. Five ran out of oil. Five went in with Jesus. Make sure we have enough oil. The oil comes from the Bible. We should cast out all the darkness. Rom 13:12 the night is almost over, the light is our armour.

3/3 Paul Younger 1 Cor 1:18-31   Witless, Weak or Wise

  The English language is rich and full and this is sometimes best seen in insults. Shakespeare used "less brain than earwax" as an alternative to 'stupid'. Ann Robinson inquired, "who's elevator doesn't reach the top floor"? The apostle Paul writes to the witless, weak and a few wise men. Six times he refers to the foolish or foolishness. His target is learned people. Those the world thinks wise, who are in fact foolish. Paul would raise some hackles. Paul's education and intellect were notable. Smart people tend to dismiss faith as too simple. Those who don't believe in God don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything. They even believe things that didn't actually happen - the Mandela effect. The message of the cross - to reconcile man to God - appears foolish. Paul makes it clear: real foolishness is to dismiss salvation. It will cost you your life. At least look into the claims of Christianity. Don't be witless. v26 Paul was the exception among believers. Most were not educated or wealthy. It was seen as the religion of the poor and the weak. Weakness of the early converts was real. The wealthy were too comfortable in their riches. God chooses the weak to shame the strong. We go through a phase in our young lives where we are arrogant and self-assured. God can put us in our place and build us up again. Paul acknowledges the source of true wisdom. It is only found in God. The phrase, found in Prov 9:10 and in other places, "fear of Lord is beginning of wisdom". Solomon may have been the wisest man; he asked for wisdom and knowledge to lead the people. Samson's strength came from God. Without these, they were nothing. What will they say at my funeral? We can choose not to stay weak and witless. "No more the fool", Elkie Brooks.


25/2 Heather Sutherland 1 Cor 13:1-13   In Tune

  This part of Paul's letter was not originally written for weddings. Chapter 12 talks about the gifts, so does chapter 14. In the middle is this passage on love. How is your love life? Are we growing in "Emotionally Healthy Discipleship" (a resource by Pete Scazzero). Relationships and lifestyle affect our ministry. The path to maturity is to love well. How do we love God and others well? This comes from Jesus. Pharisees ask Jesus what the greatest commandment is. Jesus told them to love God and love other people (Mt 22:36-40). To be joined to God is becoming one with him. It's like a marriage. It is close and intimate. There are secrets no one else knows. Remember what it was like at the beginning. Relationships are a key part of Christian living. Rom 8:29.30 we are called by God and glorified to be like Him. We grow into thinking the same way; doing the same things. We become in-tune with God. Spending time with Him. Jesus acted in love. When He met the woman at the well (Jn 4). He interacted with her. Start from a place of love. Don't be a noisy biblical cymbal (v1). Set your primary focus on love. 1 Jn 4:7,8. Be aware of what people need: it may be a severe warning or a gentle hand massage. Do we want others to know the love of the Father? Love God and love people. How do we speak with people? Gal 5:25 teaches us to live by the Spirit and work out every detail. Do you want to look good or help others? What areas of my life need to be worked on?

18/2 David Bebbington Job 28   Mining

  The quest for treasure, the search for life and the answers to life's questions: Job 28 has the theme of 'search' based on mining. There were no mines in Israel. The gems are found where it's isolated, dangerous and risky. There is no bird's-eye view or access for the beasts. It's a demanding task and an apt picture of the human quest to find things. Human search is good and commended by God both for jewels (for commerce and livelihood) and for life. To aquire the precious requires perseverence. We must search till we find it. Where is wisdom? (v12) It is much greater than precious stones or metal. The Methodists in Durham mined by day and sought wisdom by night. They studied and listened to instruction from a teacher. Wisdom can also be insight given by Holy Spirit; sudden discoveries. Wisdom is prudence, it is sensible, it is pragmatic. Wisdom, or anything of value, is not just found vv13-19 and it is not for sale. In the board game 'Careers' you can buy fame or hapiness, but not wisdom! Wisdom cannot be bought. Wisdom, v17-19, is more valuable than gold or jewels. Do we seek wealth or wisdom first? A career is not the most important thing in life. Wisdom is worth more than riches. Where does it come from? v20 (and previously v12). The search is on. Many people are searching for life's great answers in 'Mind, Body & Spirit' sections of bookshops. The favourites are eastern methods to enlightenment. Wisdom isn't visible on satnav. It is not acquired naturally or automatically from experience. 1 Cor 1:20,21 the wisdom of the world is no comparison to God's wisdom. Many courses promise wisdom, but few deliver it. It is not obvious. The best advice is to turn to God (vv23-27), He knows the way to Wisdom. He created it and approved it. When we keep problems to ourself, we leave out God. We think practical problems are not spiritual issues. Not so; seek God for wisdom. God's solution is to fear Him and shun evil. Respect and trust Him. Jesus is the wisdom of God, 1 Cor 1:24, 23. Repent. Have faith. Wisdom grows over time. Seek (mine, excavate) and you will find (Mt 7:7,8). Reach it and encourage others to seek it. Search and search.

4/2 Nibin John Mt 27:57-61   Two Stones

  Th first stone - Jesus burial. Joseph followed the traditional custom. He rolled the big stone. Many things block our path in life. Stones of illness, sin, lack of finances. The stone was placed in the tomb to block the way. It blocks Jesus way out. v64-66 the church leaders made sure it was sealed. Pilate gives the order. The Devil puts stones in our lives to stop us growing. Whatever plan the Devil had, it didn't stop Jesus. When we are growing, the Devil uses ways to block our success. Jesus came out of the tomb: we will succeed. The Devil questions what God has done. Return to the Word of God. Prov 15:29,31 God hears us, we should listen to God. The second stone - Daniel in the den. Ch 6:1-3 Daniel was over the kingdom. They couldn't fault him. v4. They had to use God's law against him. Daniel continued to pray vv7-10; so should we. When a 30 day challenge comes he persevered. vv16,17 a big stone was placed to stop his situation from changing. The King's and the Noble's signature rings were used to enforce the seal. The Devil will do anything to stop us growing. He uses people around us against us. There may be many seals to stop us. God and angels will come to help us. Joshua, when he approached Jericho, angel of the Lord came to fight for them. God's army is for us and ahead of us. Darius was used by God to reverse Daniel's situation. The King couldn't sleep. God stopped the King's sleep. Ps 6:9 God hears our cry and prayers. Our enemies will be shamed. Our lives are in the hands of a faithful God. He works miracles. v21 God sent the angel to shut the lion's mouth. The angel can go ahead of us. Even when we feel stones blocking our way, God will use them. With the faith of a mustard seed, we can speak to the stones. Trust in Jesus. People that we least expect can help us. God will send them at the right time. Mk 16:3, who will roll the stone? Their situation looked impossible and very large. When they looked v4 it was already moved. What is my question for God? How is he going ahead of me? Mt 28:2 When Mary went to look for Jesus, there was an earthquake, the stone was moved backwards. The Angel sat on it to stop it returning. We can move forward and have success. God doesn't want it to block us again. Heb 4:16 draw near to the throne of grace. Jas 1:12-14. We have many trials, but they are not from God. He can remove every blockage and give us the crown of life.


28/1 Iain Sutherland Ps 139:1-14, Luke 15:11-32   Precious

  Ps 139:17,18 and an image of sand and the scene from Local Hero. The man who owns the beach refuses to sell to the corporate giant who want to dig up the neighbourhood. One handful of sand is about 10,000 grains. God thinks about us a lot. There are around 75 with 17 zeroes grains of sand on the beaches of the world. Identity, place, home. God's thoughts are invaluable. We are precious in His sight. David declares this and it is also true for us. Luke 15, the lost sheep is important, so when it is found the man rejoices with neighbours. The found coin was the reason for the woman to celebrate. How does the father think about a son? Luke 15 from v11 are the thoughts of a heavenly Father longing for his son. The 'prodigal' part is the squandering and the generosity. This father is also gracious with the older son. His father loves to the point of indignity and runs to meet the returning son. He runs a gauntlet on the son's behalf (a village would often beat those who were disrespectful). The son doesn't get through his pre-rehearsed script. He gets covered in jewellery. We are sons of the King. The father has been longing for the celebration, and the joy of his son coming back. The father gently reminds the older one of the relationship they have. Jesus has to be thinking about us so He can pray for us. Jer 29:11. KJV thoughts of you. NKJV thoughts of plans. We have a loving heavenly Father. King George IV once spoke to a man to tell him to get out the road, the man went boasting that the King spoke to him. Spurgeon knew God thinks highly of us. "You faintly hope that God will love you, but you have no idea how much nor what great things his love will do for you. The half has never been told you by the most faithful witness for God. Those who have experienced most of the divine love have never been able to communicate to you any idea of what that love is. God’s thoughts are above your thoughts as much as the heavens are above the earth. Come, then, to him. Infinite grace awaits you, a tender reception, a perfect cleansing, a divine adorning, eternal security, endless bliss shall all be yours! ". He knows what we need.

21/1 Jill Walker Luke 1:26-37,46-55   Dwelling

  1 Cor 3:16, 6:19 We are God's temple. Holy Spirit dwells in us. We need to dwell in Him. Genesis 1 tells of Holy Spirit hovering over creation. Like a bird hovering and brooding over a nest with a sense of anticipation and expectation. Holy Spirit is in Samson's strength, Bezalel's skill in making the tabernacle and the wisdom and understanding in Isaiah's prophecy for Jesus (Isa 11). Holy Spirit brings expectation through all the prophets. Luke 1:26-37. God visits Mary. All the fulfilment of Scripture is coming through her. The angelic intervention was unexpected. Mary receives the message and welcomes Holy Spirit. He brings a lot of responsibility and a lot of possibility. Dwelling in possibility is a positive place to be. Embrace the things God will bring. Set your mind on things above. Welcome new ways of doing things. Look for supernatural solutions. When we are open to Holy Spirit, He will comfort us and reveal His ways to us. Mary's encounter was one of these moments. She moves into the unknown. Luke reflects the work of Holy Spirit in creation within his narrative. Are we expecting more encounters? How will God meet with us? Will He give us prayers to change our 'world' or even the the world? Could we be filled with more love? Holy Spirit hovers over us still. Mary sings her song, v46-55. She is dwelling in place of worship. She is a person, not just the mother of Jesus. She worships with all she has. She expresses her worship. She knows her place in history. She is part of His story. We all have a special place in God's salvation story. She stays in the place of humility, letting God deal with the proud. What takes the place of God in our lives? She acknowledges His might and power. To speak of what He has done is to speak of what He will do. She recognised holiness. His Name is so we can communicate Him and all He is to those we meet. God is strong and consistent. He lifts the humble and honours his promises. Ps 27:4. This is a good practice and a helpful routine to have. John 4:23,24. Stay in that place, worshipping God in Spirit and truth. What does it mean to be a worshipper? What drags us away? What keeps us there? What makes us available to Him? How can we affect the atmosphere around us?

14/1 Jamie Mackintosh Phil 1:1-30 NLT   Gospel Joy

  Believers receive grace, undeserved blessings, peace, joy love, compassion. We live in a difficult world, where do we find peace? - in God's grace. Phil 1:1-30. NLT. How do christians live in a hostile world? Society is content with diluting moral responsibility and just keeping to themselves to themselves. Being humble has become 'doing nothing'. Paul Simon, "People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share, No one dared disturb the sound of silence". We keep too quiet. Is what we see around harmless, are we really displaying tolerance? Eventually, without restraint, society descends into anarchy. This is Satan's work. His aim is to divide us. Liberal, money driven societies descend to chaos: Egypt, Greece, British Empire. Paul reminds us the hope of Jesus is still there. We can still have joy and peace. There is joy in adversity. Paul was in prison and still had joy. How? He is spreading the gospel and is in tune with Holy Spirirt. His steps are directed by God, Prov 20:24. Philippi is a small province named after Alexander the Great's son, Philip. Paul's second visit established the church that he began there. They are dear to him. Now he is in prison in Rome. It is another opportunity to share the gospel - two new guards every 6 hours. The whole province was hearing the good news. Paul sends the letter back in response to the gifts from the church. Joy is mentioned 16 times. This is not just happiness; not an ambient feeling. It is a deep sense of calm and delight from knowing what he is doing is right. Timothy, may have been the scribe since Pual's hands were tied. Saints are all those who believe and follow Jesus. Be encouraged to see the world like this today (as an opportunity). Grace, v2 undeserved blessedness. Gal 5:22, Rom 5:12. The Philippians partner with each other. The church is not in competition with itself. Everyone has a place to share the good news. Knowledge of God is growing. Paul is the catalyst who encourages them to share the good news. Whatever way it is shared is good. We can rejoice with Paul. Focus on God's Word in difficult times, the fruit of Holy Spirit will be evident in us. Pain, illness, circumstances may hamper us. We need to live and act in the present; we're not just in a 'waiting' room prior to going to heaven. Job in all his afflictions blessed God. Be part of spreading the Word. The Philippians were good at this. Paul is commending them. When it's tough, turn to The Book. Let Jesus shine through in the darkness. Disturb the silence, let the truth out. Help them find peace.

7/1 Richard Hobson Acts 8,9   Grace

  God's Grace. Amazing grace as described in the old hymn. Amazing means staggering, incomprehensible; not the almost meaningless way it is used today. Paul's story begins before his conversion in Acts 8. His missionary journeys were immense and established the church in the Gentile world, but in verse 1, Saul executed Stephen. Saul wanted to destroy the church. Why was Saul so angry with Stephen's sermon? The land, the law and the temple were fundamental to Jews. God dwelt in the temple. Stephen's sermon was radical - God works outside the temple. These ideas opposed the views that Saul held. Great persecution arose. Saul ravaged the church. Ch 9 v1 he had letters to arrest the Christians. Saul had a mission to quash the gospel. He was an OT man. Num 25:1-5 Moses slayed the immoral Israelites, so did Phineas the priest at Moab. Paul also believed he was doing a godly service and rooting out sin and heresy. He was a man of strong conviction. How do we know when we are acting correctly? Paul approached Damascus v3. How did Saul understand or make sense of what was happening now? God formally addressed Him. He would be very confused about how to honour God and possibly wondering, "Who is God?". He experienced extreme cognitive dissonance. Stephen's vision of Jesus (Acts7:55-57) caused a riot. Saul also saw a vision of Jesus. In v 6 God instructed Paul to go, those around saw nothing. The reason God closed his mouth was to give him time to work it out. Verse 10 is another vision of Jesus: Annanias was expecting to meet with God. When we know Him we will know His voice. Verse 11 God instructs Annanias to go. Saul was praying - who wouldn't in that situation. Annanias was troubled, despite the assurances. In those times prison was as close to death as you could get. Once again, v15, the instruction is to go. Give the message! How does a Jesus hater become a leader? Immediately he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogue, v20. He confounded the Jews in Damascus in 3 days. All Paul's letters start with 'grace to you'. Grace is undeserved favour. Paul received grace. Did Paul need more grace than us? The measure of sin (and the amount of grace required) is not the act, but who is wronged. All sin is of infinite weight against an infinite God. What must I do to get eternal life? Lk 18. None of us have achieved this. Many people think they achieve it by not killing anyone. Do not kill is one of the commandments, but it is not the greatest commandment. To break the greatest commandment is loving God less than who He is. Other things reduce our love for God. How do we receive grace? Jesus blood and death. His forgiveness wiped the slate clean. Holy Spirit is cleaning us to love Him more. In heaven, every day is to love him more. There is no more 'normal'. This is grace. Sometimes we accept a gift if we feel we deserve it. Grace is never deserved, but God still gives it. We have a different story from Paul, but we get the same grace. We cannot work out or realise how much grace we have received. The same Jesus that called Saul, calls us.


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