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These are mainly my notes & thoughts from the messages spoken to KCF.
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19/1 Jamie Mackintosh Isa 62:1-5, Jn 2:1-11 Wine & Signs
Isa 62:1-5, the vindication of Zion. Jn 2:1-11 the wedding at Cana. Consider the comparison of God wanting to 'marry' us. There is a controversy here with Promethean doctrine where the gods are vengeful. This thinking led Prometheus to steal fire from the Greek gods. The Greek ethic was to appease their gods by their works. This attitude is contrary to the gospel message. The Lord is compassionate, His love for us is astounding. God speaks to his people. The writings of Gregory of Nyssa (Nicea) show that in Christ, we become like God. Our God has our best interest at heart. Isa 62:4, the intensity of God's desire for mankind increases. God delights in His people. He announced his intentions to marry them. The prophet sets up the gospel story. In John's account, there is more than just a groom running out of wine. God longs to be with his people. Jesus is the groom. Wine symbolises the spiritual and brings joy. On closer inspection, the lack of wine indicates Israels lack of contact with God. God must have instructed Mary to prompt Jesus, and although apparently hesitant He carries out God's will. John 5:19, Jesus always follows God's will. Mary's words are few, but they honour Jesus and echo all the prophets. Mary is still obedient to God. Jesus power is the same divine power that runs throughout the whole Bible. We see the supernatural partnering with natural in this scenario. We all share in the joy of the miracle. Jesus respects the protocol of the event and the the position of the master. Spurgeon advocates that the power to perform one miracle proves the power to do all miracles. There is no limit to His power. This is good wine (infinitely superior to what we call wine), symbolic of the New Wine. God's provision is abundant. It is full strength, not a grape juice. The best is yet to come. The best comes at the end. We can believe this. The communion is a wedding feast. It all happens through Jesus. Jesus was invited to this feast and we are invited to His. It is a metaphor for our lives. Our life is under His care. We come alive in Him.
12/1 Harry Sprange Lk 21:28 Are You Ready?
On 21 Jan 1535? the radical reformation by post-grads in Zurich started. Doctrine had been decided by the town council rather than church after breaking away from Roman Catholic church. There have been 500 yrs of Baptist and Independent churches. This is the beginning of new year. Is there a verse for the year? "Ready for all thy perfect will", Charles Wesley. "Are you ready ready ready?", Godfrey Birtrill. Are we looking for something new in our own life? Have we stopped expecting this? Do we have the mindset of "Blessed is he who expects nothing, he won't be disappointed"? Adapting to change gets harder as you get older. Keep asking, 'where is Jesus?'. To live as though everything is still the same, nothing changes is a dangerous mindset. God rested after the work of creation, but He isn't doing nothing, Jn 5:17. Seek after what God is doing. Isa 43:19 tells us it is a brand new thing. Rev 21:5, He is making all things new. God is creative, where is He at work? The challenge of Christmas story is what we don't read in scripture. What age were Zechariah and Elizabeth. Simeon and Anna were probably 'ancient'. Abram was 75 before leaving Hebron and 100 when Isaac was born. Moses was 80 at start of his time in ministry. He led the people for 40 years. Caleb and Joshua were equally advanced in years. Retirement is a time for serving God. Paul eventually reached a time in 2 Tim 4:6,7 when he was able to lay it all down. Until then, keep working. Are we ready for change in our church? Expect the unexpected! In Jan 75, all 5th year pupils from a school came through the church. In 1976 all boys in a 'remedial' class turned up at church. The style of worship was changed so they could engage with it. Their reading ages were between 6-9. The Church had to adapt to them. There is much change in the nation/world? Are we thinking Christians? How close are we to WW3? Rationing, shortages, rampant inflation and economic crash are real possibilities. Insurance companies are at risk. Banks may be at risk. During the Labour government prior to Thatcher, the UK were refused a loan by the IMF. There is instability in many European nations, Korea and Canada. When Jesus talks about 'providing', it is in context of building on the rock. Get your foundations in order now. (Phil 4:19 supply all needs.) Mt 6:20,33, make His Kingdom your primary concern. 2007 prophetic voices urged believers to get out of debt. In 2008 there was an economic crash. We're entering a time of chaos. Wars, famine, turmoil are prevelant. Jesus tells us look up Lk 21:28. Be ready, trust in the Lord. Are we ready to meet the Lord? We don't know when He will come. We believe He will come. We cannot guarantee we will be here in a year. Not just older ones passing on. Are we investing in the Kingdom Mt 28:19,20. Live lives pleasing to God.
5/1 Paul Younger Isa 43:18-19 New Thing
Isa 43:18-19, God is doing a new thing. This is the beginning of a New Year: perhaps you are not convinced a year has passed! How well do we remember what happened? Looking back is OK, but Isaiah cautions us on dwelling in the past. One of Oasis' biggest hits, warns "Don't look back in anger". We need to be looking forward. God is doing something new. Be ready, be eager to see it. Be part of it. What is God going to do? There are clues in Isaiah. There will be streams in the desert; a way in the wilderness. It is not a detailed map with roads and landmarks. In back to the Future, Doc tells Marty "We don't need a road". Look to God, He is making the way. Do what He says. He will make streams in the wasteland to refresh us. He will provide for our needs on the way. Where will it take us? He knows. A Chinese proverb says, a 1000 mile journey starts with a single step. We may feel insecure and have lots of questions. Do we not trust God enough? We can get lost along the way. Sooner or later we realise, "I can get home from here". Our planning doesn't always go well. At New Year plan to avoid mistakes, let God guide you and follow Him. Then He will reveal the New Thing.